30 Members of Congress Were “Automatically Reelected” Last November

Here’s what we’re doing about it, and how you can help.

2 min readSep 14, 2017


In a democracy, lawmakers are elected by the citizens. And yet last November, 30 members of congress were automatically reelected because they didn’t have opponents — meaning that over 21 million citizens were given no choice over their representation in D.C..

That’s not democracy.

Unfortunately, many citizens aren’t even aware that they wont have a choice at the ballot box until it’s too late. So we’re headed to Georgia, which had 5 uncontested congressional races in 2016 — the most of any state in the nation.

Take congressman Tom Graves for instance — he hasn’t faced a major party challenger since 2012. That’s why we’re unleashing billboards and digital ads across his district inviting citizens to explore running for office.

Georgians have until March 9th (just over 6 months) to file the necessary paperwork to run for office in 2018. That’s lightyears compared to the amount of time it’s taken some candidates to shatter campaign fundraising records on Crowdpac.

Kathie Allen did it — she was just a local physician who was fed up with her congressman before her exploratory campaign to defeat him went viral. She raised over $564,000 within 30 days in a district that had been controlled by a single party for decades.

Others like Regina Bateson are following in her footsteps — she’s a former MIT professor and mother of three who decided to move back home to explore taking on her local Congressman. NPR recently profiled her campaign and the way Crowdpac “made her believe it was possible” to suprise the political establishment and take on a powerful incumbent.

These are the reasons why we created Start Running, the easiest way to explore a run for office — within minutes you can begin raising pledges of support that become donations if the candidate decides to enter the race.

We don’t think that “automatic reelections” should be a thing. If you agree, consider running for office yourself, or supporting someone else. Democracy is counting on you.

Have questions about running for office or want to talk with our team of political experts?

Send us an email: candidate_support@crowdpac.com.

