Crowdpac’s 2018 Election Recap

These candidates ran on Crowdpac & won — you could be next.

8 min readNov 13, 2018


The 2018 midterms were historic. With over 100 women elected to Congress, millennials turning out to vote in record-breaking numbers and small-dollar donors giving corporate PACs a run for their money (literally), this election was the start of a new era of political engagement.

And Crowdpac was part of it all.

We’re breaking down barriers for new and emerging leaders to run for office and win. We’ve worked with thousands of candidates ready to make a difference, and even more donors ready to support them.

Sign up to learn more about running for office, and read on:

Here’s a snapshot of our amazing Crowdpac community:

With political crowdfunding, anyone can become politically engaged, whether by running for office or donating to the issues and candidates they care about. We’ve got the numbers to back it up.

In 2018, 80% of donations received were less than $50, and even more significantly, 97% of donations were small-dollar contributions (where donors made a contribution of less than $200). Across the platform, 55% of our donors identify as women.

One thing we’re pretty proud of — 60% of our donors made their first ever political contributions on our platform.

They’ve supported some amazing candidates this year.

We’re proud to have worked with an incredibly diverse slate of candidates using Crowdpac to power their campaigns. 44% of Crowdpac candidates ran for public office for the very first time in 2018, and local & state candidates made up 69% of our total candidate pool. Our tools brought new, nontraditional candidates into the political arena:

  • 46% of Crowdpac candidates are women
  • 20% are veterans
  • 38% are educators, professors or academics
  • 12% are scientists, doctors or medical professionals
  • 29% are millennials

Congratulations to all of the winning Crowdpac candidates in 2018!

We’re excited to see these amazing Crowdpac candidates make a difference in their new positions — here’s a few that made history in 2018 after getting their start on Crowdpac…

Lauren Underwood, a Registered Nurse with a pre existing heart condition who used Crowdpac’s Start Running tool to launch her campaign — unseating a Republican incumbent and making history as the first black woman to win in Illinois’ 14th Congressional District.

Haley Stevens, a former Obama Administration official, who capitalized on Rep. Dave Trott’s “hot mic” moment with a Crowdpac campaign. This gave her the momentum to declare her candidacy and ultimately flip Michigan’s 11th District.

Elissa Slotkin, a former CIA analyst who used our Start Running tool to test the waters in her congressional bid and is now the Representative-elect for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District.

Andy Kim, the former National Security Advisor who tested the waters of a campaign to unseat Rep. Tom MacArthur, the Congressman responsible for the removal of protections for preexisting conditions. Kim recently declared victory in NJ-03.

Lori Trahan, who raised over $240,000 on Crowdpac, made it through a tough primary and won the general election. As the 3rd District’s newest member of Congress, she plans to fight for families like hers in Washington.

Zach Wahls, who made headlines in 2011 with his impassioned speech before the Iowa state legislature about growing up with two moms and now is one of the youngest members of the Iowa State Senate after launching his campaign with Crowdpac.

Mary Boren, a former school counselor and attorney who exceeded her online fundraising goal with Crowdpac and is now on her way to advocate on behalf of Oklahoma’s teachers in the State Senate.

Alice Cain, an education advocate elected to Maryland’s State House after crowdfunding an impressive $63,000.

Everton Blair, a former Teach for America educator who raised an impressive $27,550 exclusively on Crowdpac and is the first person of color to be elected to the Gwinnett County Board of Education, a county where 3 in 4 students are students of color.

Jessica Sutter & Zachary Parker, who collectively raised over $65,000 for their D.C. State Board of Education campaigns. They’ll now be serving together to represent Wards 5 and 6, respectively.

Nicole Clowney, a teacher, lawyer, and Moms Demand Action candidate who used Crowdpac to get her winning campaign for Arkansas State House off the ground.

Andrés Cano, a 26-year-old, gay first-generation college student who believed that it was time for all Latinos to have a seat at the table and he won his race for Arizona’s 3rd State House District after raising on Crowdpac.

Dave Hutchinson, who fundraised exclusively on Crowdpac and raised over $22,000. He won his race for Sheriff of Hennepin County, MN and is now the first openly gay Sheriff in the country.

…and many more (full list of winning Crowdpac candidates can be found below!)

2018 has made it clear: crowdfunding is the best way to engage with a community of supporters, and Crowdpac is where political change begins.

So what’s next? YOU, running for office.

2018 proved that Crowdpac is where political change begins. Our tools made it easier for political outsiders and first-time candidates to enter the political arena, run for office, and win. But our work is far from over.

Our focus post-election is simple: candidate recruitment. In 2019 & 2020, we want to continue to lower the barrier to entry and broaden the pool of candidates running for office. And that starts right now.

With our Start Running tool, potential candidates can explore a run for office in 2019, 2020 & beyond, risk free. No bank account, no campaign staff, no exploratory committee needed. Just an idea, a message, and a desire to change things for the better.

If you’re thinking about running, we’ve got your back:

Maybe your name will end up on our list.

2018 Winning Crowdpac Candidates

