Oklahoma teachers go from striking to running for office

Candidates across Oklahoma are crowdfunding their way to office

5 min readApr 17, 2018


Oklahoma teachers recently ended their nine-day teacher’s strike. But the fight isn’t over yet. This strike was only the beginning of a long-term struggle to protect education in their state.

Striking teachers, counselors, and parents all across the state are now making their first-ever run for public office. But with the Oklahoma primary on June 26th, they need your help ASAP.

By crowdfunding their run for office on Crowdpac, these candidates have a better shot at winning their local races without prior experience and name recognition — in local races, small-dollar donations can be what puts them over the top.

Check out 10 of our Oklahoma campaigns to watch below:

Cyndi Ralston, candidate for State House

Cyndi Ralston, a public school teacher with 30 years experience, made national headlines recently when she announced her bid to unseat State Rep. Kevin McDugle after he “disrespected” teachers in a viral video during the strike.

“I feel like we’re showing the students what a free democracy is all about,” says Cyndi.

Help Cyndi show her students — and the Oklahoma state legislature — what democracy is all about by supporting her campaign here.

Renee Jerden, candidate for State Senate

Renee Jerden is an Oklahoma choir teacher who has advocated in the Capitol for increased education funding. After participating in the teachers’ strike, she’s challenging the status quo by running for office.

“I used Crowdpac.com and I raised the $750 filing fee in three days. And I said, if that’s not a message that I need to be doing this, I don’t know what is,” says Renee.

Help her bring a teacher’s voice to Oklahoma’s State Senate by chipping in here.

Mary Boren, candidate for State Senate

Mary is not just a former school counselor, but also a public interest attorney with plenty of experience representing the teachers, students, parents, and children who need the most help. She’s running for State Senate because schools don’t have enough textbooks, teachers are leaving, and some students don’t even have desks.

Support Mary’s campaign to bring back support for education here.

Angela Moffitt-Jones, candidate for State House

Angela fell in love with teaching while serving as a substitute teacher at her local high school. She decided to pursue her degree to teach while continuing to substitute teach and raising two children. As a teacher, student, and mother, she has seen firsthand the decline of education in her state. Angela’s running for State House to make Oklahoma a state worthy of passionate teachers like her.

Your support can help her accomplish this mission — donate to her Crowdpac campaign here.

Madeline Scott, candidate for State House

Madeline is a fourth-grade teacher in Oklahoma City working with at-risk students. After approaching her representative with her concerns about the state of education and leaving disappointed with the answers she received, she decided to run.

Help Madeline bring a critical teacher’s voice to the Oklahoma State House by chipping into her Crowdpac campaign here.

Joey Rodman, candidate for State House

Joey is a science communicator and educator running for State House in the 84th District. Her focus is on supporting education funding and infrastructure with evidence-based legislation. Endorsed by Run for Something, Joey believes that education must be made a priority for Oklahoma to truly thrive

If you want to see a science-based approach to policy in Oklahoma, you can support her Crowdpac campaign here.

State Representative Cory Williams

State Rep. Cory Williams believes the status quo is no longer acceptable, and that the recently passed increase in salary for Oklahoma teachers was not enough. He believes that this increase is only the first step and that Oklahoma needs to go much further to retain and support teachers.

If ensuring that teachers make more than the bare minimum is important to you, you can support Cory’s campaign on Crowdpac here.

Zach Pearson, candidate for State House

Zach believes that “the future of Oklahoma lies in our diversity and though the security of a quality public education.” As a “jack of all trades,” he believes that his experience and his energy as a young, optimistic candidate can help him serve his community.

Help Zach realize “the future of Oklahoma” by donating to his Crowdpac campaign.

Ashley McCray, candidate for Oklahoma Corporation Commission

Ashley’s roots run deep in Oklahoma. Born in Shawnee, she is an enrolled member of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe with ancestors in Oklahoma well before statehood. Her human rights work has earned her awards and recognition all over Oklahoma and across the country. Now she’s pursuing a candidacy for the Oklahoma Corporate Commission to hold the oil and gas industry accountable to their obligations to her community.

If standing up for the environment and public land is important to you, consider supporting Ashley’s Crowdpac campaign.

