This Giving Tuesday, give power back to people

Learn how you can support the organizations on Crowdpac fighting to protect our democracy

4 min readNov 27, 2018


2018 saw an unprecedented rise in political participation. Whether it was running for office for the first time, joining marches and rallies across the country, or making their first-ever political contribution, people stepped into the political arena to make their voices heard. Hundreds of thousands of donors were inspired to give back to movements supporting democracy — many of them on Crowdpac.

As the holiday season begins, Giving Tuesday is a reminder to support the causes that matter to you and continue to act on the values that won in the midterms. At Crowdpac, we value an open democracy; no matter who you are or where you come from, your voice can and will be heard. You don’t need to make a huge donation to make a difference; your participation is already making a statement.

Today, we’re highlighting the organizations using Crowdpac that continue to give power back to the people:

Spread The Vote: Because IDs are for more than voting

For those of us that are fortunate enough to have government-issued IDs, we don’t think about how often we need them in our daily lives: to get a job, to sleep with a roof over our heads, to receive medical care, as well as to vote. Spread the Vote’s mission is to obtain IDs for the 21 million eligible voters in this country that lack them.

This Giving Tuesday, Spread the Vote is focused on #365plus1, which represents helping individuals get the IDs they need every single day of the year, as IDs are for more than voting. Since their launch a year and a half ago, the nonprofit has helped nearly 800 people across five states — Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia and Florida — obtain IDs.

In 34 states, individuals are required to show some sort of photo ID in order to vote. That’s why in 2020, Spread the Vote is expanding their efforts to the 12 states with the strictest voter ID laws in the country. A donation to Spread the Vote’s campaign is a donation to help individuals receive the IDs they need to perform one of our most fundamental rights: voting.

Sister District: Our last chance to end gerrymandering

The Sister District Project is a national grassroots organization dedicated to “sistering” blue places with red or purple places to help turn the entire country blue. Since their launch after the 2016 election, Sister District has grown by more than 40,000 volunteers across the country who share a common goal of flipping state legislatures. They had huge wins in 2018, but now, the stakes are even higher

In 2019 & 2020, Sister District will lead the charge to end gerrymandering. In 37 states, the state legislatures will control the redistricting process after the results of the 2020 census. Sister District will be working to create a more balanced process by ensuring that Democratic candidates flip state seats in critical elections.

A donation to Sister District’s campaign will go to their efforts to double the number of races they support and extend their network of volunteers, local partnerships and stakeholders. Join them to help end gerrymandering today.

Vote Run Lead: Getting more women in office

If you’ve heard of Ilhan Omar, then you should learn about Vote Run Lead. This organization has trained thousands of women, including the Congresswoman-elect, to run for office and win, creating a more diverse and inclusive government. Vote Run Lead is helping women change the narrative that says women can’t run for office.

Supporting Vote Run Lead helps women receive the resources they need to get them into office: #RunAsYouAre training sessions, childcare, hotel costs, expert mentorship, and scholarships for attendees in low-income households, among other tools that women need to be successful in the political arena.

If you want to keep up the recent trend of creating a more representative government, check out Vote Run Lead’s campaign.

New Sanctuary Coalition: Help the Sanctuary Caravan safely cross the US border

Today, thousands of people fleeing violence in Central America await their fate at the US-Mexico border as they seek asylum in the U.S. Because the Trump Administration is blocking their path towards asylum, a group called the New Sanctuary Coalition is mobilizing thousands of volunteers to work at the border and ensure refugees a safe crossing.

New Sanctuary Coalition is a faith-based immigrant rights group of over 500 volunteers dedicated to providing support to immigrants. A donation to New Sanctuary Coalition goes towards hiring staff and training volunteers to help asylum-seekers cross the border, providing meals and transportation, assisting with legal preparations and much more.

You can learn more about their campaign to deploy volunteers to the border on Crowdpac.

Democratic Attorneys General Association: Supporting Democrats to hold Trump accountable

In the midterms, Democrats took back the majority of Attorneys General seats — with seven incumbent wins, holding five open seats, five historic wins and four seats flipped.

Supporting their candidacies from behind the scenes in the most expensive Attorneys General election cycle in history was the Democratic Attorneys General Association, or DAGA.

A donation to DAGA is a donation to support Democratic candidates and their work as the last line of defense against the Trump administration. With Attorneys General elections coming up in 2019 and 2020, they will be supporting candidates on the ballot to continue to pick up AG seats and hold Trump accountable to the rule of law.

Learn more about the work of DAGA on through their Crowdpac campaign.

Explore more organizations and candidates to support this Giving Tuesday on Crowdpac.

