How to convert a Binary IP to an IP address

Aldo Lugo
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

Binary IP: 11000000.10101000.01100100.00000001

Each section is called an Octet for being 8 bits.

The first row below represents the value for each byte, remember a byte is 8 bits. The second row in our example below represents the first part of our binary ip above.

We will now do some awesome math to get the numerical value of the first part of our IP. Since only the first two columns in our table above have a binary value of 1 we will add 128 + 64 = 192. Now we will update our example IP to reflect the new value.

IP: 192.10101000.01100100.00000001

The second part in our binary ip.

This section will give us 128 + 32 + 8 = 168

IP: 192.168.01100100.00000001

The third part in our binary ip.

This section will give us 64 + 32 + 4 = 100


The fourth and last part in our binary ip.

This section will give us 1 = 1

Final IP:

Bonus: Here is a great video about IP Subnetting from CIDR Notations.



Aldo Lugo

Passionate about software and cloud technology. I can also be found at