Crowdfunding Marketing for Nonprofits & Social Entrepreneurs

Pat Kitano
Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding
4 min readSep 2, 2014


<I’m using Medium as a prototype for website development>

Upending Today’s Crowdfunding Model

In today’s crowdfunding environment, there is no marketing support for crowdfunders. They must use all their social capital and plead with their contact list to support them. That’s what makes crowdfunding is so difficult.

The Next Paradigm for Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding should be more like investment banking. Campaigns require marketing, and the building of an advocate base that acts as a sales force.

One of the most innovative crowdfunding models in a long time”

Devin Thorpe, Author Crowdfunding for Social Good August 27, 2014

Massive National Exposure

BNN Funding exposes campaigns across 400 cities on social media by instantly elevating it to Trending Topics. This exposure alone is tantamount to a “free” massive marketing campaign.

How BNN Funding Elevates Campaigns into Trending Topics

Establish the Advocate Base

BNN Funding activates advocate networks to promote the campaign nationwide by leveraging the The Breaking News Network (“BNN”)

Started in 2009, the BNN is the world’s largest hyperlocal news media network devoted to social good covering 400 cities worldwide. Over 7,000 community newsmakers are authorized to get their message out directly to their community through the network.

BNN Funding activates advocacy by giving newsmakers who share the values of a campaign a local media voice to promote it granularly to their community. For example, local food banks can support campaigns that expose hunger in America through the BNN’s 400 city feeds because it aligns with their mission.

Exposure Markets the Campaign, Advocacy Brings in Backers

Campaigns tilt because BNN Funding introduces the “Collaborative Crowdfunding” formula that provides social capital for advocates. The Infinity Boxes is an example of a campaign where the artist and museums collaborate to crowdfund the exhibition, combining event marketing and fund raising to cover curatorial costs.

Collaborative Crowdfunding: How Artists and Museums collaboratively crowdfund for mutual benefit

Crowdfunding is Repeatable and Serial

Crowdfunding is destined to be a serial activity for nonprofits and social enterprises. There’s no reason why campaigns can’t be run on a quarterly basis.

The BNN Funding serial crowdfunding formula brings distinct sets of advocate partners to every subsequent campaign. The dreaded “crowdfunding fatigue” doesn’t set in because each campaign extends and grows a new backer base.

Our Programs

To be announced shortly — a partnership to provide local nonprofits a free to use crowdfunding platform that allows campaigns to launch on a dedicated domain name or website, plus free localized marketing support from the BNN.

Will your project fit the BNN Funding model?

There’s no risk because there are never upfront fees. Like an investment bank, BNN Funding charges fees, comparable to Indiegogo, based on proceeds raised.

Contact us at or via Twitter at @bnnfunding.

