
Amsumathy Anilkumar
#Crowdsuit — Kerala
2 min readMar 9, 2018
Image courtesy : Google

We have launched a project by intervening a record of crowdsourced data of incidents collected from complainants that helps us understand patterns and trends based on people’s historical experiences attached to digital violence. The main motive is to bring together all the victims and survivors and putting their cases to priority where immediate actions are being taken. By doing so, we can foster an environment in which individuals feel confident enough to report cases to authorities in online platforms itself, and seek legal help even if there are challenges associated to cultural norms and takes time.

Our main aim is letting the public familiarize with Crowdsuit and how the techniques of crowdsuit can be applied in #stopdigitalviolence as it will increases the chances of depicting the intensity as well as solving the problem. This technique is widespread and had been adopted in different countries.

It is a method of curbing together a large group of complainants of digital violence with a view to take legal actions against its perpetrators. Banding together, a large group of these complainants will lead to collaboration of more such complainants coming upfront who deals with similar issues. We create a platform for the victims to interact with the respective lawyers .They can approach lawyers through our online platform to get more insights on how to file a suit and other legal formalities. These crowdsourced applications becomes the basis for policy-making. Crowdsourcing accelerates this process effectively with more number of people and can get a response for further actions to be taken accordingly.

A curated list of lawyers have been published in our online pages to facilitate the accessibility of approaching to them. They can also view the snippets of incidents occurred to other victims.

