We took five hundred wishes and did something about every one of them.

Crowdwish stories.
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2015


Just over 500 days ago we launched our app Crowdwish.

It’s a place to anonymously share the things you most want in the world, whatever they may be.

If that were all it offered, it would be an okay-ish idea, but kind of pointless; a bit ‘dream catcher’ and lame.

The difference is this — every twenty-four hours, we take the most popular wish and do something about it in the real world.

By taking that which is ephemeral — a hope, a dream, an aspiration — and making a small, but physical and real, gesture towards the fulfillment of that goal, we’ve found that people are way more likely to complete the objective themselves; a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step and all that good stuff. We just provide a start.

Here’s twenty examples, because so far you could be forgiven for not having a clue what we’re on about.

So in the last eighteen months or so, we’ve help people to sleep better, lose weight, feel happier, tell their friends how much they value them, clean up trash, start their own business, tidy their homes, eat healthily, manage their finances, slow down and realize how lucky they are, help the homeless, cope with OCD, support nurses, sing in tune, take a stand against extremism, go to Summer festivals, stop worrying, deal with social anxiety, have a trip to the ocean and express love for others. Along with about 480 other things.

People seem to be really into it. Here’s to the next 500.



Crowdwish stories.

The most popular wish of the day actioned. Today, tomorrow and forever.