A New Crown Platform White Paper for a New Project Phase

A professional document with a clearly defined vision is the first thing serious investors, developers and other potential participants in the network want to see before engaging further

Crown Platform
7 min readDec 31, 2020


The philosophical background: Crown Papers

Crown has a rich history of documents which were trying their best to define Crown platform’s values, and outline its direction, goals and development milestones in the vast ocean of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. Two of the most important documents were the legendary Crown Papers drafted by a former contributor @mdz in December 2016. They gave a philosophical view on the Crown idea bringing up several thoughts by which the community stands until this day.


In his book Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari asserts that what made homo sapiens special — differentiated us from our cousins the Neanderthals, Denisovans and others — was our ability to construct shared fictions, and then behave as though they were real. Believing in, and behaving as if a shared imagination were real, allowed us to coordinate our efforts and yielded the advantage that built our civilization. Human civilization came from an ability to believe in fictions. That should make us all stop and think….

…..This conceptual kick in the head should wake you up a little. And it offers us the opportunity to admit that everything which follows is imaginary, while also reminding you that a shared imagination is the most powerful force we know.

You can read the papers here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/saavz769l8gy7gt/Crown_papers.pdf?dl=

Extract from the 1st of the 8th papers originally produced
Crown Governance

The technical background: Blockchain design overview

In mid 2018, Artem Bhraznikov the Crown Platform tech lead, inspired by the Crown Papers, released a technical overview of the Crown blockchain design. For the first time, this document managed to define how particular building blocks of the Crown blockchain are going to work and interact with each other. Although subject to continuous change as the cryptocurrency space evolves fast, it is a key structure in Crown’s path towards an technologically established and reputable public blockchain.

The document can be found here:

Crown Platform is a Blockchain-as-a-Service cloud platform for building any new economy businesses or applications to participate in a resilient, efficient ecosystem. Crown Platform is a project to take Crown on to the next level. So, what kind of platform is that?

In the modern world, cloud computing is a very useful paradigm which enables access to shared pools of configurable resources like servers, storage, network etc. Different cloud computing providers offer different models on a “as a service” basis: Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, Infrastructure-as-a-Service etc….

Crown Platform Ecosystem
Cloud providers and customers responsibilities

The 2019–2020 direction setters: Masternode PoS, NFT framework and a carbon neutral blockchain

Enough was written about the two of the Crown’s blockchain infrastructure backbones — 1. The move to an environmentally friendly Masnternode-Proof of Stake (MN-PoS) consensus mechanism in April 2019 and 2. the release of Crown’s NFT framework in March 2020.

Yet, both of these sets of blockchain technologies have not been put in a wider context in terms of their current and future importance as central building blocks to the Crown ecosystem. They have also acted as brave pioneers and trend setters for the entire crypto industry.

Remember ETH has only moved to its own version of PoS — with node collateral in December 2020, 1.5 years after Crown.

The potential rising star called Non-fungible token looks to be one of the winners of the 2021 crypto trends, as analysts predict billions of dollars of potential market available for grabbing, in a variety of industries ranging from gaming, digital art, digital music and video content, patent protection and other unique use-cases as the tokenisation of CO2 certificates to help blockchains, but also companies and other organisations to become carbon neutral.

Once again, Crown community members acted as pioneers with NFTree.orga joint project by Crown Platform and the Micorriza association. Micorriza will tokenise the CO2 footprint of Crown Platform on the Crown blockchain as NFTokens in order to finance ecological progress in its area of action. With this pilot, NFTree wants to propose a different approach to the highly centralised and de-territorialised carbon certificate industry: Efficient infrastructure, transparent public ledgers, localised and proximity work on the ground.

NFtree.org usecase is making Crown blockchain carbon neutral

A brand new Whitepaper: it’s time to put all the pieces together in a clear vision

Why it took so long?

As we enter the year 2021 in which the Crown blockchain celebrates 7 years since the fair launch of its genesis block, the community’s thinking & building process has reached a point when Crown Platform is ready to say what it is and where it is going in a form of a professional, industry-wide accepted Whitepaper.

First of all, it is a positive thing that the forming of the new Crown Whitepaper takes time. In an industry such as crypto & blockchain where technologies change with unprecedented speed on a daily basis, and where whitepapers become outdated within few months from being published, it is necessary that the key building blocks of any blockchain are verified by real people: users running wallet and nodes, by millions of transactions taking place, by forks, and by many other unexpected factors which may arise and the respective community needs to solve them. Without that, any whitepaper is just words on a nicely formatted paper.

It is also true that a professionally written whitepaper with a clear vision is the first thing serious investors, developers and other potential participants in the network will read before engaging further, that's just a fact!

The inspiration

There are several examples of well written whitepapers, humble in form but rich in information. After going through hundreds of whitepapers across the industry, we believe these are the best papers to get inspired by while drafting the brand new Crown Whitepaper:

  1. Bitcoin Whitepaper: the first mover, largest community in the world, a legend with whom Crown shares part of its code: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
  2. Ethereum Whitepaper: industry-leading platform for Dapps, the blockchain most engaged by developers: https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/
  3. Wax Whitepaper: a blockchain calling itself the king of NFTs, good inspiration for Crown, a very clear vision what it wants to be and how to get there https://github.com/worldwide-asset-exchange/whitepaper

Who will get it done?

We have all the ingredients to draft a brand new Whitepaper: 1.the philosophical background, 2. active community & values, 3. technological building blocks, 4. the right vision and 5. inspiration from industry leaders.

We also have a team who is ready to get it done:

  1. Crownfan — main architect & idea maker of the Crown Whitepaper. Jose has the technical knowledge, excellent writing skills and the necessary know-how to express what Crown is and where it is heading.
  2. Walkjivefly idea support, main feedback & review mate. Mark will assist Jose giving feedback and ask many questions.
  3. Kevinml07 — overall design, graphics. Kevin has been doing an amazing job with his fresh and professional looking designs across our social networks. He will support the team with potentially necessary designs.
  4. crowncoin_knight — idea support, fundraising. Will support the team with feedback and will help with fundraising the necessary funds.

Timing, potential cost & funding

The launch of the work on the brand new Whitepaper is subject to a few factors:

  1. First of all, the successful release of BTC 0.21 core updates and deterministic masternode lists, as several team members are currently busy with this key milestones.
  2. Community approval of this initiative through the Crown decentralized proposal system. A proposal with a link to this document will be submitted for either January, February 2021 or later superblock depending on the above release.
  3. Fundraising the necessary amount for the work which has been set to 0.35 BTC (7.7k EURO as a threshold due to BTC fluctuations). We are currently leaning towards a combined fundraising model where a 3 to 4 months proposal will be submitted to the CRW network (40pct of the expected amount depending on the price of CRW), in a combination with private community donations (60pct of the total amount), which will be more important than ever!

The addresses for these donations are pasted below:

BTC address: 3ME1iyHxuxMhYS95L2yugfpbSoLLopy4KF

LTC address: MGLcbvpVNA9n2CwKLW24prna12vrPXzE3k

CRW address: CRWMypDFkK4yhPoWX4TXaQjjVMnwCneRqJzL

If all the above factors are met, and we strongly believe they will, we can start! It will be a huge amount of full time work, we currently expect that the drafting of Crown Whitepaper will take between 2 to 3 months.

Let’s go!

Like many times in the past, the faith of this initiative is in the hands of the great Crown community! Let’s give Crown what it deserves in 2021.

Thank you very much for your attention!

