Artem & Ashot DEV Q&A

Don’t miss the show on Feb. 13th 2pm UTC

J. Herranz
Crown Platform
1 min readFeb 6, 2019


Funghi vs Steak. What diet will be hardcoded into Crown Core?

The full Q&A Session is available here:

Artem and Ashot are in metamorphosis to Funghi and Steak and will join forces to confront the most epic Crown Development Q&A show ever*. A bear will be sacrificed to appease the cryptogods and put an end to the social network pandemonium, restoring the rule of Crown Core in our humble digital kingdoms. Don’t miss the show and submit your own questions now!

  • Wednesday February 13th 2pm UTC

Goal of the Q&A is to inform the viewers of the stream on the current situation of the diverse development fronts being worked on:

  • Proof of Stake testnet update by Ashot
  • Jade release boards commentary and estimations by Artem
  • NFT Framework: Potentials of the Crown NFT Framework by Artem
  • Unique Addresses: What to take into account after conversion.
  • Proof of Stake. Changes for masternode and systemnode users.
  • Viewers’ questions
  • Miscellaneous

Stay tuned for updates and stream details.

You can submit your questions on Telegram and Discord.

