Coinomi will discontinue CRW support on Monday 28 September

How to export your passphrase and keys to other devices and wallets

J. Herranz
Crown Platform
5 min readSep 27, 2020


1) What’s happening

Hello community. Coinomi has announced through a discrete banner on the affected coinpage inside their software that it is going to discontinue support for 45 different coins, CRW among them, because these coins do not generate any revenue for the Coinomi business.

In essence, this is a compliment for the low fees of the CRW network and does not take into account the fact that in the past Crown developers offered Coinomi to run community electrum servers to relieve them off their costs and infrastructure.

Coinomi went closed-source in 2018 making its Crown fork “Crownpay” inviable. Back then, Crown announced Crownpay to Coinomi migration as seen below and has supported the Coinomi project by staying in touch with them to notify relevant updates, announcing new Coinomi software releases to the Crown community, and featuring the Coinomi solution on the various Crown Platform websites.

Now it is time for Crown to move on to a new stage in which its users will access other mobile wallets supporting CRW, such as PolisPay, until Crown develops its own solution based on proven and tested open source technology.

2) How to export your Coinomi keys

In this section you will learn how to use your seed (passphrase) to gain control over your CRW before and after September 28.

Export your Coinomi passphrase securely

If you do not have a back up of your Coinomi passphrase (18–24 words) you can retrieve it by going to

Settings > Manage Wallets > Wallet Back up > Show Recovery seed

Write down the words in an offline environment or on a sheet of paper.
You will need them in the next steps.

Import your keys to the PolisPay Wallet

This first option is quite simple and does not require major inconveniences other than having the PolisPay application installed and the Coinomi recovery seed at hand. This seed corresponds to the BIP39 mnemonic standard, and usually has a length of 18-24 words. [Always keep this key offline!]

You can download the PolisPay wallet following one of the links below:

Within the Polis app access the option to “Create Wallet” or in case it is the first time you start it, select “import mnemonic phrase”. Introduce a name for the wallet and in the Wallet Key section select “Safe Import”. It is possible to directly paste the seed from the clipboard by doing an “Unsafe Import”, but this option is not recommended for security reasons. If necessary, select English as the language of the sentence, and mark the corresponding number of words your seed contains (count them). After entering the seed manually, the wallet will load all the transaction history and will reflect the balance we had in Coinomi. It is necessary to clarify that through this seed, control over the funds in other cryptocurrencies that we have in Coinomi will also be maintained (but is not necessarily supported by PolisPay or other wallets).

Watch this short video to learn how to import your passphrase.

Derive your private keys using Coleman’s Recovery Tool

It is possible to derive an ordered list of private keys from a BIP39 mnemonic passphrase. In this case, we will use an open source tool recommended by Coinomi: Coleman’s Recovery Tool.

It is important that you save the site’s html file locally, and then run it in an offline environment.

In the box “BIP39 Mnemonic” introduce the Coinomi seed, and automatically a series of fields such as “BIP39 seed” will be filled in. Then in the “Coin” field we select Crown. Further down the Derivation Path, we make sure it is the correct derivation path: m / 44 ‘/ 72’ / 0 ‘/ 0.

Instert your seed in the bip39 mnemonic field. Do this only locally and offline.

Importing your master privatekey into Crown-Electrum

Now we have two options to use the outputs of this tool to recover our funds in Crown Electrum: using our master private key, or manually importing the private keys into Crown Electrum or Crown QT.

Let’s start by using the master private key. To do this, we go to the “Account Extended Private Key” field and copy the key that appears.

Account Extended Privae Key

Then we start Crown Electrum and create a new wallet => Standard Wallet => Use public or private keys. In the textbox we introduce our master private key, and then we encrypt the keys with a secure password. In this way we would have control of all Crown private keys generated in Coinomi:

The other way of recovery is by manually importing private keys. At the end of the Coleman’s Recovery Tool view, we will also find the addresses generated from the seed already entered in order. We take as many private keys as necessary and depending on how many Crown addresses we have used on Coinomi. Then in Crown-Electrum we create a new wallet and select the option “Import Crown addresses or private keys”. Then we enter the key or list of keys that we had previously selected into the textbox. After encrypting our wallet we would have control over these addresses:

list of key pairs
manual privkey import for separate key pairs

Importing private keys to Crown QT

It is also possible to import these single private keys to crownd and Crown QT.

To do this we will use the command importprivkey

importprivkey in the crown qt console or in the command line of crownd

You can verify Coleman’s Recovery Tool on GitHub:

Thank you for sharing this guide and supporting the Crown project.

