Community, technology and longevity

Crownfan at the NON central CONF in León, Spain

Crown Platform
2 min readOct 8, 2019


Today marks the 5th birthday of the Crown blockchain. A lot has happened in those five years and there is much still in the pipeline. Regular Crown contributor J. Herranz recently represented us at the NON central CONF in León, Spain.

Upstarts bang on about DAOs. Crown is the real deal.

In an interview about Blockchain DAOs he explained what makes Crown special. The interview was recorded and you can watch the whole thing (don’t worry, it’s only 11 minutes long) right here or on YouTube.

If you want to jump to specific bits here’s the timeline and topic list.

0:17 What’s different about the Crown DAO?

2:20 How is the Crown DAO working out?

4:12 What is Crown’s most exciting project?

5:40 What is Crown’s unique selling point (USP)?

6:50 What is Crown doing to drive adoption?

8:10 Why did Crown move away from Proof of Work?

10:26 Where to learn more and how to get involved?

What’s your take on Crown and us celebrating our 5th birthday?

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