Crown development meeting minutes 03/03/2020

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
2 min readMar 4, 2020


The wait is almost over!

During this call, the release date for Crown Emerald v0.14.0 and the activation date for the NFT Framework were decided.

Present: artem, ashot, crowncoin-knight, Crownfan, walkjivefly

  1. Artem pushed fixes for the testnet NFT validation issues.
  2. Ashot did not give his report because we took items out of order but said he would be able to help with the Emerald release cutover if necessary.
  3. Testnet stability has been good for the last three days. We have 34 nodes and a few wallets all on the same chain. The NFT validation issues are resolved. Based on this we think it is safe to proceed with the v0.14.0 “Emerald” release. There was a misunderstanding last week about the mechanics of the protocol enforcing cutover and NFT activation. Artem will not be available on 23 March so the timetable changed slightly. The plan is:
    * Release on or by 9 March
    * Protocol enforcing and old node disconnection at 06:00 UTC on Tuesday 24 March
    * NFT framework activation at 10:00 UTC on Tuesday 24 March.
  4. The marketing team are ready to launch the campaign.
  5. Community developer, Sirak, has completed the work on Crown Electrum and it is working perfectly with Trezor Model T. We expect it to also work with Trezor One when/if Trezor release a firmware update for it. They usually issues releases on the first Wednesday of the month so there is a possibility of it happening today. Crownfan asked ashot to assist with getting the Crown Electrum executables into the Github/Gitlab repos since Sirak doesn’t have the authority to do so. We will publish a Medium article when the “end-user” executables are ready for download. Until then, adventurous souls/experienced command line warriors can clone the Gitlab or Github repos and build the code for themselves.

