Crown development meeting minutes 06/04/2020

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
3 min readApr 6, 2020


Present: artem, ashot, crowncoin-knight, pjcltd, walkjivefly

  1. Testing completed successfully for the NFT registration problem and Artem tagged the patch for release. walkjivefly pushed the release on Saturday. A number of NFT protocols and tokens have now been successfully registered including the first CrownCards.
    Artem did not submit a proposal last month nor this and doesn’t expect to have any time for Crown issues beyond emergency hot fixes in the foreseeable future. He is still committed to creating an NFT trading design doc but can’t say when this might happen. He thinks there are two likely ways trading could be implemented. The first would involve a two-party multisig transaction and might be the simplest to implement. The second would involve separate request transactions to advertise an NFT for sale and invite bids, and response transactions. These could be fixed price maker-taker kind of operations or auction style with multiple possible competing bids within a defined limited period of time.
    crowncoin-knight asked if someone else could (at least temporarily) takeover continuing development. Artem replied it would be possible for someone with the correct mindset and technical skills. However, doing so without the NFT trading design doc would be difficult and it is unlikely there is anyone in the community with the skills, time and inclination to do so.
    Artem will monitor the level of NFT framework adoption as an indicator of how important the community sees the implementation of trading.
    There have been a number of reports of sync and “hang” problems since the Emerald release. Most are probably due to forks but some could be related to open testnet issues such as 366, 362, 342 or 341. Artem doesn’t have time to look into them but Ashot said he might be able to. In the meantime we ask anyone having sync/hang problems to provide as much information as possible to help classify and resolve them.
  2. Ashot continues to work on the governance syncing aspects of the codebase update. He estimates the project completion at about 85%. Hopefully this week he will also find time for the FlipsideCrypto chainwalker NFT update, and next week will attempt to merge the NFT framework code into the codebase update. He expects to be ready for testnet soon after that.
  3. Ashot will review the open NFT testnet issues 335 and 333 and decide whether to address them or create a new testnet for the codebase update testing.
  4. The bootstrap instructions have been updated to accommodate NFTs. Testing showed there is no need to change the actual creation process and revealed a potential link to a reduction in bootstrap performance. Issue 367 has been opened. Artem will review the log file.
  5. There has been a report of a potential problem with the Electrum Crown servers. These are not managed by the infrastructure team so defunctec has been asked to contact the community developer to get them upgraded if necessary.

