Crown development meeting minutes 09/03/2020

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
2 min readMar 10, 2020


With Emerald released, work continues on the codebase update.

Present: ashot, crowncoin-knight, Crownfan, walkjivefly

  1. Artem couldn’t make the meeting but hopefully everyone knows by now he made the final merge for Crown Core v0.14 “Emerald” on 9 March and the code was finally released. The NFT framework will activate at 10:00 UTC on 24 March.
  2. Ashot has resumed work on the Bitcoin v0.17 codebase update. He expects to spend about 10 hours per week on the project and estimates it is about 70% complete. He is working on a sync issue and a couple of QT wallet problems. He thinks the basic codebase could be ready for testnet in about 3–4 weeks. Before that can happen though, the NFT framework must be merged in. The NFT framework code is structured in a largely standalone manner. He thinks he’ll need about a week of effort to merge it without calling on Artem for assistance.
    Because of the way he has done the codebase integration Crown should, by default, get all of the new features Bitcoin introduced between versions 11 and 17. Some of the highlights include pruning, BIP65, HD wallets, multiple wallets, replace-by-fee transactions, segwit, Bech32 addresses, TOR support. It’s possible some of the new features will prove to be incompatible or otherwise difficult to include but at this point he’s expecting to include all of them.
  3. NFT testnet will remain operational until the NFT framework activation in mainnet on 24 March for anyone who wants to test/experiment, but with a reduced node count. We’ll tear it down and replace it with a new testnet from the genesis block for the codebase testing.

