Crown development meeting minutes 14/11/2019

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
1 min readNov 15, 2019


Present: Artem, Ashot, crowncoin-knight, walkjivefly

  1. Artem worked on the metadata format for protocol registration. The code will do only basic checking to provide as much flexibility as possible to app developers. The app developers will be responsible for proper validation of users data. The next area to be worked on will be the local database for protocols. There were no commits this week. The NFT percentage completion numbers are now
    * NFT Core — 100%
    * NFT Registration — 100%
    * NFT Protocols Registration — 75%
    * Bitcore NFT support for web-development — 40%
  2. Ashot made 2 commits this week and has now synced the full mainnet blockchain using the new codebase. The QT wallet still needs some “Crownification” but we’re very close to being ready for testnet. Testing will happen in a separate testnet from the NFT framework.
  3. Artem will give walkjivefly maintainer role in Gitlab/Github to facilitate timely merging of non-contentious PRs.

