Crown development meeting minutes 17/08/2020

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
3 min readAug 18, 2020


Present: ahmedbodi, ashot, crowncoin-knight, pjcltd, walkjivefly


Ashot investigated the possibility of including the Dash deterministic MN code in the Bitcoin codebase update. He judged it too much work and too high risk. In view of this he thinks we should proceed with the “vanilla” Bitcoin codebase update and only later address deterministic nodes.

He has been working on some sync issues in his own small testnet. Hopefully he’ll soon be ready to progress to a larger testnet. In preparation for this he will take a look at the testnet halvening problem (issue 333).


After adding NFT support to Bitcore, the Crown Insight explorers are able to operate again. is already running, the other two sites will be cloned from it and functional again soon.

New website

The new website is nearly ready for launch. It is simplified and updated for a contemporary audience and optimised for use on mobile devices.

Designed for Generation Screen


We have one new version ElectrumX server running. The infrastructure team will set up a second server soon. Community developer, Ahmed, is running one too so there will be three servers for Electrum Crown wallet users to connect to.

Electrum Crown

There is no good technical solution to the derivation path incompatibility between Electrum Crown v1.2 and v4. Ahmed is about to go on holiday for two weeks but will look into ways to facilitate migration from old version to new version wallets when he returns. It would be helpful to know how many users are affected by this incompatibility. If you are an Electrum Crown v1.2 user with a Trezor hardware-backed wallet please let us know through Discord.

Bang up to date with the latest Electrum codebase, NFT compatibility and Trezor integration

Crown Network Crawler

Ahmed is making solid progress on the Crown network crawler bounty project. Due to other commitments and his imminent holiday he won’t finish by the initial estimated completion date. Instead, he hopes to complete the project by the end of September.

Crown Sweeper

Community developer, Adrian, has demonstrated a first pass at the Crown sweeper bounty project. This graphical tool will run on linux, Mac and Windows, and provide an easy way to consolidate masternode/systemnode rewards. The remaining issues are mainly cosmetic and we hope to release the project soon.

Sweeper makes it easy to consolidate node rewards — select the addresses to use, tell it the to address, hit Sweep!

