Crown development meeting minutes 18/05/2020

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
2 min readMay 19, 2020


Present: crowncoin-knight, pjcltd, walkjivefly

  1. Ashot sent a report: the NFT merge is still ongoing. He pushed a big commit to Gitlab two days ago but still has stubbed out code to merge. He hopes to finish this week or next.
  2. There is no progress on the NFT trading design specification documentation.
  3. Community developer Zhen is still working on the Bitcore NFT adaptation. He will provide a more detailed update in a couple of days.
  4. The “on loan” MUE engineer has not been able to make any progress with the ElectrumX sync issue and has handed it back to us. walkjivefly will take a look this week and see if he can progress it. If not we will have to find (and probably pay for) someone else to fix it. There may be as yet undiscovered NFT-related issues in the Electrum-Crown wallet code as well.
  5. PolisPay 8.5.0 has been released. There are still some wallet issues but they are not specifically Crown problems. We have a new #polispay-support channed in Discord and are holding a webinar at 15:00 UTC today (19 May, 2020) explaining how to use CRW to make payments through PolisPay. Joining instructions will be provided in Discord and Telegram as soon as they’re available.
  6. Gitlab will be pushing a new release on 22 May. The infra team will soon announce details of any maintenance window which we will need to make the update.
  7. Crown contributor, defunctec, (creator of the CRWCard application) released a new NFT use-case called uniqueify. This is designed to make it as simple as possible for inexperienced, non-technical users to record a proof of existence on the Crown blockchain.
  8. The NFT competition voting window closed, winners were announced and prizes have been distributed. We don’t have any quantitative metrics but qualitatively believe we got some good exposure from it. It was quite a lot of work behind the scenes and we need to improve the processes for future events.
    There are two aspects to address: making participation as simple as possible, and a better voting process. We discussed some ideas regarding the adaptation of uniqueify (or something very similar) for participation, and an NFT-based voting process. A foundational requirement for voting is identity (verification). pjcltd is going to investigate the possibility of extending one of his Discord bots to provide simple binding between a Discord username and a Crown address which can be used to create voting tokens. This is a stop-gap measure until something more robust can be designed and built.

