Crown development meeting minutes 23/01/2020

Just the facts, ma’am

Crown Platform
2 min readJan 23, 2020


Present: Artem, crowncoin-knight, walkjivefly

  1. Artem merged the 234-simple-nf-token-protocol-registraton-2 branch into Current-dev. Since then he also pushed a few more commits to fix some sandbox issues and nftoken help messages. The NFT framework is now officially available for experimentation. Artem expects developers will initially want to work in private sandboxes before moving their applications to testnet. Testnet has about a dozen nodes running for anyone who wants to jump into testing there. He released the sandbox instructional video on Monday and the NFT protocol and token creation video just after this meeting. He is working on a third video explaining how to query and retrieve information from NFTs. Once all three videos are out he’ll create some written documentation.
    The target audience for the videos and the planned Medium article are developers, but we encourage all interested community members to watch them and read the article. The more people that see them and start thinking about how NFTs can be used, the more people providing feedback, the better adoption will be. The videos are already, or soon will be available from several locations including Facebook and YouTube. Community members are editing them for polish but the originals are available to watch or download now from our Nextcloud server
    * Sandbox video
    * Protocol and token creation video
    Community members interested in creating subtitles in their local language are invited to speak up in Discord.
  2. Ashot was not able to attend the meeting because of personal reasons. He made no new commits this week. Hopefully he’ll post a brief report on the codebase update progress in Discord when circumstances allow. Interested parties can see the latest published state of the code on the bitcoin-merge branch in Gitlab.
  3. walkjivefly created a simple variation on the mainnet installation/upgrade script to facilitate installing a testnet node or wallet.
How to register NFT protocols and Tokens
How to set up a sandbox testnet environment

