Crown development meeting minutes 23/03/2020

Just the fact, ma’am

Crown Platform
2 min readMar 23, 2020


Present: ashot, Crownfan, crowncoin-knight, walkjivefly

  1. Artem couldn’t make the meeting. With Emerald released and programmed to disconnect old nodes and activate the NFT framework tomorrow, he’s had no Crown work to do for the last couple of weeks. He’ll be on hand tomorrow in the event of any unforeseen problems. Hopefully at the next or following meeting he will present a design doc and time estimate for NFT trading functionality.
  2. Ashot has been working on the sync issue with PoS blocks. He still has some UI, MN and SN items to address and estimates he is about 80% ready for testnet. He has also been working on modifying the FlipsideCrypto chainwalker so it can understand NFT transactions ahead of the framework activation tomorrow.
  3. NFT testnet is still running and will remain operational after NFT activation in mainnet tomorrow. Ashot has decided it will be useful to use it for the codebase update so it gets exercised on all the block creation methods we have used.
  4. The Emerald update is going well, over 75% of the network has upgraded. The old node cutoff and NFT activation are programmed in and will happen automatically tomorrow at 06:00 UTC and 10:00 UTC respectively. Everyone who has updated their nodes can look forward to a significant reward boost until the laggards realise they are on the wrong chain and update. Any rewards earned, or transactions initiated by 0.13.4 nodes after 06:00 tomorrow, will NOT be valid on the Emerald chain.
  5. The NFT marketing campaign will kick into high gear tomorrow. The press release is already with the news amplifier service and will start appearing in downstream services in the next couple of days.

