Crown Development update May 2023

Regular, end of the month development updates are back, to inform the community about the project work in progress in a structured and efficient way.

Crown Platform
4 min readMay 29, 2023


Regular Crown updates are back

1. CRW bridge to Polygon network

The new CRW bridge to the Polygon network (MATIC) is now active. Similarly to the Crown bridge to the Binance Smart Chain, it was developed by Crown infra guy PJ and it can be found at

First of all, download a Metamask or any other ETH/MATIC compatible wallet and add the Crown Platform wrapped token wCRW contract: 0xAf08035633F360e6dAc4B1DD309fEF0d9BE7eC40

Go to and get some wCRW

The MATIC / wCRW exchange pair is online on Uniswap, if you want to add some liquidity to the pool you can do so here:

The Coinmarketcap page of the wCRW/Matic pair is as follows:

2. New application to mint NFTs in two clicks

Create Crown NFTs in two clicsk

The Cuban community devs lead by Pablo Lara García launched a new app which allows users to easily mint Crown NFTs, also on the Polygon network: enabling users to launch NFTs using industry-standard infrastructure such as Metamask. There is a detailed Medium article explaining how to use the app and why it was built:

3. First professional NFT collection nearing its launch

Our beloved Crown metaverse mascot “Pothead” is getting ready for its drop. A genesis of 100 knights will be dropped using the new NFT application to demonstrate the full potential and usability of the built solution. The father and the author of the NFT character, the talented designer Kevin has been working very hard for the the past months to create all the characters.

Kevin has listened to the concerns from the community about the name Pothead — since it can be perceived negatively due to the word “Pot”. The new, awesome name will be revealed soon along with a brand new website for the collection! And there will be more to come, the NFT collection is just a starting step of this excellent and aesthetically pleasing project!

Guess what will be this knight new name?

4. Crown gitlab fix plus potential non-mandatory Crown core update

The Cuban community devs lead by Alejandro and Pablon managed to fix the Crown Gitlab environment, fully enabling the Crown Core release capabilities.

Pablon has worked on identifying the bug which was causing the chain stall when minting NFTs using the “sign by payer NFT Protocol”. When a wallet received a block containing a signbypayer transaction, it got stuck and a snapshot had to be used.

With this upcoming non mandatory update, the problem should be fixed once and for all. New builds have been released and we need the community to run them from scratch, so we can go ahead with the update.

5. Redesign of the Crown website

As the community knows, the new Crown website redesign was stopped a long time ago since the associated code update to be delivered by BlockMechanic was abandoned. With the upcoming NFT drop of the Crown Mascot Knight character, and the fact that it will have its own independent website, we will have to decide which design should be chosen for the official Crown website.

Right now there are two alternatives, use what was proposed (see article below) or go with a more simple update of changing the logo, colours and bringing the web up to date to 2023. Any suggestions are welcome.

6. Community twitter bot

Defunctec is experimenting with a new way to allow users to interact with the official Crown twitter handle. He has built a command to basically attach a discord username to a CRW address. These users are then allowed to make suggestions in a public discord channel for Twitter posts. If the post receives 10 up votes, it’s automatically posted to Twitter. If you think this function is a good idea please interact and share your opinion in the Crown Discord.

Thank you for your attention and see you at the end of June!

