Crown Platform goes 75% carbon neutral with NFT CO₂ certificates

Amidst the Bitcoin energy consumption debate, 3 out of 4 Crown Platform blocks mined during 2021 are carbon neutral. In 2022 the community aims to reach 100% carbon neutrality.

J. Herranz
Crown Platform
2 min readMay 18, 2021


Crown Platform goes carbon neutral with NFT certificates

Amidst the Bitcoin energy consumption debate, 3 out of 4 Crown Platform blocks produced during 2021 become carbon neutral. In December 2020, the Crown community decided to offset the network emissions through governance vote, after the NFTree project submitted a proposal to tokenise land parcels in Spain and issue NFT CO certificates using the Crown Platform NFT Registry Framework.

Crown Platform is offsetting 81.14 tons of CO₂ during 2021

Offsetting Crown Platform’s carbon footprint constitutes the first and pilot use case of NFTree, but more land is already being tokenised to offset the emissions of further entitites.

NFTree and Crown Platform are transforming the Crown network towards becoming a regenerative system and a carbon neutral infrastructure. With its available NFT registry technology, institutions and enterprises can use Crown Platform as an enviroment-friendly distributed archive infrastructure — a green asset chain. turns Crown Platform into a regenerative ecosystem

NFTree innovates by running a dual NFT protocol model engineered on Crown Platform:

  • The plot protocol tokenises land parcels with coordinates, species, size and CO₂ capture capacity.
  • The co2 protocol bundles these plots to issue CO certificates.

Check it out here:

About Crown Platform

Crown Platform is an established digital token (CRW), powered by an environment-friendly, Masternode Proof of Stake blockchain, enabling all users to stake CRW, exercise voting rights within the decentralised governance system, build applications and tokenise assets via Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

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