Crown Platform Update March 22nd, 2018 — Television Features & New Website!

Joe Connors
Crown Platform
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2018

Last week we released version v0.12.4.1 of the Crown Platform wallet. The release was delayed by a day due to an unexpected difficulty variance from our miners. We reviewed this for 24 hours before determining that it would not be an issue for the network and moved forward with the release. We are proud to say the latest release has been sucessful and the client is running smoothly. Crown now has the easiest Incentivized Node (Masternode and Systemnode) creation process in all of crypto as well as automatic update notifications within the wallet for future releases. It is available for download now here. You can find tutorials for updating your nodes and the full release notes here. Please update your clients by April 1st to keep your nodes online.

—Crown Television Features —

Crown will be featured in three separate segments that will be shown to over 100 Million people around the globe. The first piece will be an educational style documentary for public television in all 50 states of the US. This will be followed by a Crown corporate identity documentary emailed to 1 Million people interested in blockchain tech that have opted in to learn about our project. Finally there will be a piece for Major Networks such as Bloomberg, Fox, CNN and CNBC that will be aired in the top 100 US cities, all 50 states and 52 different countries. We are working with a world class production company throughout this process. Shooting will take place in early April and it is scheduled to air during the summer. We will maintain the rights to these segments and will use it to spread our message well past its time on television. This is the biggest Crown community building project in our history, and one of the most ambitious individual projects in crypto’s history. We look forward to the growth of our community and the global awareness this project will bring.

— New Crown Platform Website —

Our new website is nearly finished and will be done by the end of the month. The entire website has been meticulously rewritten to professionally communicate what our platform is building, why we’re building it and how it works. It is scheduled to be launched within two weeks. This website will be the perfect new landing spot for our community and the influx of new users from our television series and continued marketing efforts.

The development team is now hard at work towards delivering the next scheduled releases on the roadmap. Stay tuned for updates on all things Crown.

Thank you for your continued support of the Crown Platform

- Crown Core Team

