Crown Review on #BTCM2018 and #BlockShow

J. Herranz
Crown Platform
Published in
9 min readJun 5, 2018
  • Crown Platform sponsors #BTCM2018 and exhibits at BlockShow Berlin 2018
  • Crown catches the attention of several media
  • New partnerships forged

As previously announced, two appearances were scheduled to give Crown Platform visibility towards the international communities and projects gathering on German ground around BTCM2018 on 25th and 26th May in Essen followed by BlockShow Berlin 2018 on 28th and 29th May. This chronicle gives you an overview of Crown’s presence at these events and shares contacts, exposure, and general impressions on the situation crypto is in. As the coordinator of the Crown Tour together with our International Rep. Olya, I invite you to read through this story and am very happy to share the experiences I went through with the brilliant teammates I had the luck to meet along the way.

Crown Platform is a community driven blockchain ecosystem

Participating in an open community driven crypto-project translates into constantly meeting unique peers on the cloud. Our full nodes and daemons constitute the physical texture of a globally distributed infrastructure, a network of peers that tirelessly talk to each other to ensure the integrity of the chain. They pull and propagate the ledger, but also governance budgets, votes, master- and systemnode lists. Crown is not only building an application platform on top of this blockchain, but also a distributed international community. The following pages narrate what happens, when the Crown Community leaves the cloud to hit the ground.

#BTCM2018 — BlockchainHotel in Essen

BlockchainHotel is a veteran crypto project. BCHotel hosts monthly meetups and the yearly #BTCM2018 - Crown is 2018 sponsor of the meetups and conference

BlockchainHotel is one of the initiatives that started to shape the crypto- and blockchain landscape in Germany. Its network is international and dense. They bet on strong philosophies, quality, debate and proximity. ICOs was a scarce term during the whole conference, with presentations reaching from prominent crypto-enthusiasts such as the founder of theos Theo Goodman, the president of Liberland, Vít Jedlička, to Amir Taaki as well as including interactive and open workshops on privacy, anonymity, mining, and trading among others. The individuals and organizations that met in Essen proved the strong bonds and believe they have in Bitcoin and cryptospace in general. A feeling of collective power acccompanyed the whole the event, with many networking possibilities and shared activities.

On the left: Group fotography of the BTCM2018 attendees. On the right: Rooftop of the BlockchainHotel during a panel discussion Image taken by ZOOM STUDIOS

Crown Platform held two talks at the conference. “Blockchain beyond Code” (English Stage) by Alex Hoogerbrugge stressed how Crown strives to be unique through being governed by its community. Alex went ahead to explain how the Core Team takes its responsibility in representing the community while including it in the decision making process through the Decentralized Proposal System. “Reconceptualizing of DAO” (German Stage) by myself, tried to break with traditional views of organization to explain how the Crown DAO enables new forms of human and technological interaction, cooperation, knowledge production and tech-driven collective empowerment to participate in the global digital economy as well as to build ties that include but also reach well beyond the economic spheres.

Alex Hoogerbrugge at #BTCM2018: “Blockchain beyond Code: developing a project governed by its community” Image taken by ZOOM STUDIOS
Jose Herranz at BTCM2018: “Reconceptualizing the DAO” Image taken by ZOOM STUDIOS

Further, the team set up a Crown stand at the entrance of the conference which served us as a center of operations for deeper discussions, giving out merchandising, and of course to expose Crown Platform at the premium spot of the conference with maximized visibility.

We still had enough time to give an in-depth interview to Bitcoin Club Malta, which was arranged and recorded by Olya in front of a lovely sponsors wall.

As Roderic, member of the Crown Team at #BTCM2018, claims: “The overall feeling on the event was that of original crypto people: people who’ve been there from the beginning, and people who are in it to change the world — rather than sell their next gem ICO vaporware. A very good environment for Crown, full of people that care for the innovation and the vision of projects."

Not only veterans of cryptospace visited this conference, also newcomers were there. We made sure the next generation will come fully equipped with loaded CrownPay mobile wallets (of course only after asking his father for permission).

Education is the key

After all these exciting experiences and charging the batteries of the conference participants, we jumped back on the CrownMobile and drove to Berlin, where the next stage of our Tour was going to take place: BlockShow Berlin.

Powerbanks and CrownBeer. Energy at day and nighttime!

We thank the founders of BlockchainHotel Gideon and Gökhan for the brilliant #BTCM2018 conference. We are looking forward to #BTCM2019!

Image taken by ZOOM STUDIOS
Olya time-travelling on a throne masternode

For the full image gallery, visit BlockchainHotel Facebook

BlockShow 2018: The Cryptoworld meets Crown at the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin

BlockShow is one of the first global cryptoevents to set off in 2014. Before the era of commercial cryptoevents started, Bitcoin and Crypto was all about local and regional meetups, informal events and grassroots networking. If you want to meet the big players in the cryptoindustry, BlockShow is the place to be. Crown Platform is an innovative and smart project that always visits key conferenes such as BTCMiami, Coinfest, Deconomy, and of course BlockShow.

from left to right: Community Manager, Co-Founders, Lead Developer, Support Lead and International Rep. of Crown. A dream team at BlockShow Berlin!

A very hot day was waiting for us in Berlin, with temperatures going above 30°C and our powerbanks heating up the atmosphere. BlockShow turned out to be a very well organized conference with record breaking numbers of attendees, where the major players of the scene had gathered. Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, held a talk on decentralization, and Bobby Lee, CEO of BTCC spoke about the present and future of crypto.

Crown International Representative Olya at BlockShow Berlin

At the exhibitors hall, we shared spaces with OKex,, Changelly, KOMODO and other innovative projects. It was a pleasure to talk to their delegations and we were able to discuss potential partnerships and cooperation possibilities.

The Crown Stand was well presented and unique, with statistics displaying and faccilitating explanations on the network, staking, voting and funding. Swag and designs attracted attendees and were constantly praised — big thanks to the roll-up and business card designs by David — and those who stopped to have a chat encountered a ground-breaking and enthusiastic team, counting with the technical knowledge of lead developer Artem, the year-long experience of CEOs and Crown co-founders Filip and Jan, the social talent of International Representative Olya, the openness and awareness of Alex, and of course, myself, feeling as if I had 30 powerbanks plugged to my body. We sounded convincing.

Crown interview for @cryptomanran CNBC at BlockShow 2018

Exposure to media was massive, with @cryptomanran visiting our stand and featuring us in his CNBC Africa Crypto Show. Crown Platform also gave an optimistic interview to Decentro Media, a New Zealand based media group that had selected 9 projects to interview at BlockShow, Crown being one of them. In these interventions, I called for serenity and time to build our project in order to provide a global platform open for everyone to use.

Interview at BlockShow for “Agent Neutron” from Decentro Media

Crown Co-founder Jan states his experience as follows: “We are here to inspire Crown with new approaches and ideas. While there is an ICO bubble on the market, we are strenghtening ties internally within our team and externally with our german and international partners. We have met several people at #BlockShow who are ready to support Crown. They believe in our vision and technology.”

Lead developer Artem agrees with Jan: “Personal communication is very important for a team like ours. We are distributed through the whole world. We need to find the time to come together and discuss things. This conference was a very good opportunity to discuss important steps.”

With the feet well on the ground and settled ideas, we all said goodbye to each other and went back to our own clouds. But I won’t lie to you, we did sneak into the lambo lounge for a beer or two.

VIP lambo lounge at #BTCM2018

And we visited the first bar to accept Bitcoin, room77 in Berlin. After all, even lead developers need to have some fun.

Artem, Crown lead developer
room77 in Berlin, first bar to accept bitcoin

New partnerships forged at both events

Live networking means unmediated face to face communication among individuals. You get the chance to hear crazy stories, projects and ideas. Even though we were walking around like evangelisers with the Crown logo glued to our hearts, we see idea exchange with our peers in the Cryptoworld as one of our main duties and chances. The Bitcoin Protocol was published as an open access document and subsequently released as a distributed network that remains unstoppable until today. As a fork of Bitcoin, Crown has put forth this open access philosophy and aims to build an internet platform powered by the Crown blockchain that enables freely associated individuals to participate in the global digital economy by lowering access restrictions as much as possible in all possible directions. On our way towards achieving this goal, we search for allies that will walk and grow along.

During our stay in Essen and BlockShow Berlin, we were very lucky to find enthusiastic people who share our vision. We would like to highlight some of them:


Gideon and Gökhan are two crypto visionaries who founded the linux hotel meetup back in 2011. It all developed into a regular bitcoin meetup and today they run the BlockchainHotel, one of the most important crypto-hubs in Germany. Gideon has a sharp mind and business perspective, while Gökhan is a born blockchain philosopher and technology-guru.


Katalytics is a blockchain solutions start-up founded by Alexander Schröer, Tobias Gretenkort and Lea Schirmer. These three young and intelligent individuals have joined Crown to bring along use cases and businesses wanting to develop applications on blockchain. With solid knowledge in IT, Consensus, Design, and Linguistics, they form a perfect team which we are glad to work along with.

Leo Petersen

Blockchain consultant and creator of, Leo is an open and innovative blockchain-expert. Amazed by the vision of Crown, he invited us to join his meetups in Kopenhaguen and to explore further ways of cooperation.


OKex is a young and innovative exchange that lists quality cryptoprojects. We presented Crown Platform to them at BlockShow Berlin and are looking forward to finding ways of future collaboration.

Decentro Media looked out for us at BlockShow Berlin. The director of the media group had selected 9 projects at BlockShow that he wanted to highlight in his conference coverage. We were very happy to find out that Crown was one of the selected exhibitors. Agent Neutron as interviewer and Lupe as camera formed a fantastic team with ethical values and a jorunalistic standard to be fond of.

Schiefer & Co.

The CEO of this german precious metal business, Reinhard, is very optimistic about running some of his businesses on Crown. After meeting at BlockchainHotel, Reinhard confirmed interest in exploring possiblities at BlockShow, were we deeply discussed the symbiotical potentials of a strategic partnership.


A young and enthusiastic Cobinhood team was present at BlockShow, were we had the pleasure to meet CTO and co-founder Wei-Ning Huang. Our international representative Olya is working hard on getting Crown to top exchanges. I am sure Mr. Huang will remember Crown when he loads his mobile phone with his new Crown powerbank!

We got in touch with many other individuals and projects, soon we will announce further contacts and possible partnerships!

The Crown Team is looking forward to meeting you all at our next Crown Community Meeting on August 4th at the BlockchainHotel in Essen, Germany!

Thanks to @higherbridge and @twister for reviewing the text

Join the Crown Community in Mattermost. We host our own data!

