Crown to be forked in August as entrepreneurs announce Revaloot

J. Herranz
Crown Platform
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2018
A Crown fork was announced by Revaloot on June 12th
  • Crown will supposedly be forked on August 13th by Revaloot
  • Crown Core and Development Teams are not involved
  • Crown Platform development continues
  • Crown holders will supposedly be rewarded 1:1 with Revaloot tokens

Crown to be forked on August 13th by Revaloot

A group of individuals that form part of the Crown Community and project announced on June 12th that they “are working on a new project that is going to derive from a fork of Crown”. In the words of a Revaloot co-founder:

“This announcement does not mean we are going to stop continuing to support Crown. We view the two projects very separate from one another and there is no reason we cannot both be successful.” (Revaloot ANN pusblished in Mattermost on 12th June)

This statement leads to the following conclusion: The fork will adopt a new brand and has no intention to compete with Crown Platform.

Crown Core and Development Teams are not involved

The current distributed and autonomous Crown Core and Development Teams, elected through the decentralized governance system, are not involved in this project and thus only have access to the publicly available information that has been published by Revaloot. It is an important moment for the Crown Community, as a group of entrepreneurs decides to copy a codebase with over 10900 commits that up to 287 contributors have been working on since Crowncoin inception in 2014:

“We chose to fork [Crown] for two main reasons. The first being that we want to pay homage to Crown — a coin from which we are taking some ideas and making them our own. The second reason is distribution.”(Revaloot ANN published in Medium on 12th June 2018)

Crown Platform development continues

Crown Platform Development is not affected by this fork and continues without alteration. The next major milestones are further releases towards Crown Platform as well as final research and consequent implementation of the new consensus mechanism.

Crown holders to be rewarded 1:1 with Revaloot tokens on August 13th

In their pre-fork timeline, Revaloot has announced a Crown hard fork for August 13th:

“The Revaloot snapshot of Bitcoin and Crown will occur on August 13th. The block on which the Crown snapshot will occur will be announced as we get closer to August 13th.”

The blockheight of the Crown snapshot has not yet been announced by the Revaloot team. I want to personally call all Crown holders to DYOR and to act with responsibility, as 1:1 forks in Crypto are known for wild price swings and increased volume.

Openness, DAOs and decentralized budgets

On a personal level and to wrap up this article, I would like to address an argument that has been raised by Revaloot in their announcement. Revaloot founders claims that “open source code is very much pre-monetization YouTube era. Those who open source their code do so because they are told they need it for their resume, want to help propel themselves to a freelance career, or simply do it for the love of Code.”

This argument is missing one of the major reasons to open source code, which has accompanied computer based coding and hacking for over 70 years: A vision in which knowledge belongs to the societies and individuals, in which innovation is the key to prosperous life and co-existence. I am convinced that a big part of the Crown Community shares these beliefs. The Bitcoin-Protocol was not published as an open source document because Satoshi Nakamoto was/were told they needed it for their resume. They also did not want to propel themselves to a freelance career. And although im sure he/she/them loved and still love Code, the main reason to open source this software is the one stated in the Cypherpunk Manifesto published by Eric Hughes in 1993:

“Cypherpunks write code. We know that someone has to write software to defend privacy, and since we can’t get privacy unless we all do, we’re going to write it. We publish our code so that our fellow Cypherpunks may practice and play with it. Our code is free for all to use, worldwide.”

The goal of writing and publishing open source code is therefore, specially when related to cryptographic transaction systems, to spread privacy and to give tools to everyone to protect against intrusions to what they conceive as human rights: privacy and freedom of exchange.

“For privacy to be widespread it must be part of a social contract. People must come and together deploy these systems for the common good. Privacy only extends so far as the cooperation of one’s fellows in Society.”

Working in distributed open projects is never easy. No one has full control. Anyone can join in, chip in their singularity, their ideas, their visions. To protect openness, we all lose control to some extent, permutate with other ideologies and philosophies. Still, we have not lost our common ground:

At Crown we want to keep open sourcing the software we write. And we will keep open sourcing the resources we have. Be they human — many of us work as volunteers, technical—we open source the code and make repositories public, or financial — the superblock. Despite the risks that openness entails and fully aware of these. We do this not out of egoistic needs like career profiles or nerdy love for the code itself. We write the code for everyone to freely use it. That is why we function as a DAO. So that others may come and join efforts and/or take the code and propagate it further.

