Emerald update progress report

The second of two planned progress reports

Crown Platform
3 min readMar 20, 2020


Crown v0.14 “Emerald” was released eleven days ago. The community has made further good progress upgrading nodes and wallets since the first report last week.

Peer version distribution for a random wallet

As of 12:48 UTC on 20 March 2020 the upgraded and total node counts are:

  • Masternodes: 486 upgraded of 869 total
  • Systemnodes: 702 upgraded of 986 total

which is fractionally over 64% upgraded. The figures for 13 March were:

  • Masternodes: 261 upgraded of 979 total
  • Systemnodes: 405 upgraded of 1027 total

That’s an extra 522 nodes updated and total node count reduction of 151 nodes. Thank you to the hosting operators and individual community members who have already upgraded.

We expect most of the “missing” nodes to come back online as v0.14 Emerald nodes. Until they do masternodes are earning a roughly 19% ROI and systemnodes a whopping 50% ROI (excluding server expenses).

Remember that you must update your nodes and wallets before 06:00 on Tuesday 24 March. Any node rewards earned, or transactions initiated by previous version clients after that time will NOT be valid on the v0.14 network.

The NFT framework is scheduled to activate at 10:00 on Tuesday 24 March.

Updating nodes and wallets is a very simple task, one which you could do this weekend in less than ten minutes.

Linux users

For each linux node or wallet it’s a simple copy and paste of a one line command:

sudo curl -s https://gitlab.crownplatform.com/crown/crown-core/raw/master/scripts/crown-server-install.sh | bash -s

This will download the update/installation script and run it. The script will download the update, shutdown the wallet or node, unpack the update over the old version and restart the wallet or node.

Windows and Mac users

The process is a manual one but still very simple; you just have to replicate the actions of the linux upgrade script.

  1. Download the Windows 64-bit or MacOS or MacOS DMG update.
  2. Shutdown the wallet.
  3. Open the downloaded update. This will unzip it into a directory in your downloads folder. Navigate to the Crown-v0.14.0.0-Emerald\bin folder.
  4. Copy the executables over the old ones.
  5. Restart the wallet.

In which order should I do things?

We recommend updating your wallet before updating any nodes. After updating any nodes you need to issue a new start command from the controlling wallet.

Something to watch out for

Sometimes an updated node can appear stubborn about not wanting to restart properly. The status reported by your wallet may be different from what the node thinks about it’s own status. If you send a start-alias command from an updated, synced wallet to an updated, synced node, and that node does not report it’s status as “Masternode successfully started” then wait two hours and re-try the start-alias command.

This behaviour is not unique to Crown, but is common across all masternode coins. We are aware of three cases since the Emerald rollout started. All three were resolved as described above.

Need help?

Ask in Discord or Telegram.

