Look in the mirror and contribute: a shared responsibility BLOCKCHAIN

Crown Platform
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2019

The holy grail of blockchain

When we look at the state of blockchain industry today, we see thousands of projects looking to find the holy grail of this world-changing technology, the perfect use case which will pick up and extend Bitcoin’s revolutionary financial transactions use-case towards true mass adoption, outside of the speculation aspects blockchain currently carries on its back. How do we know, which way to go? We have seen so many ICOs, so many developing use-cases, so many new partnerships being closed everyday by blockchain communities, so many initiatives.

Build the governance first, the talent will come later

Nobody yet knows what the holy grail of blockchain will be. It is just certain that it will change our lives. At Crown, the community believes that the winning blockchain tech will be a democratically governed platform created by the people for the people, opened to businesses and individuals enabling them to build any application or use-case our minds can only imagine: a flexible blockchain-as-a-service model powered by a transparent and resilient system.

For the past two years, the Crown community is learning how to govern a blockchain project. With the self-funding DGPS (decentralised governance and proposal system) at its center stage, developers, ambassadors, designers, marketers and other contributors are trying hard to find consensus on where the Crown blockchain should be directed. We are doing this by asking questions, listening, discussing and then taking a joint decision executed by the code. Only the future will tell if a decision-making process based on a self-governed group will outperform other models seen inside, but also outside the crypto space.

Look in the mirror and CONTRIBUTE

The world today is gaining speed, people take fast decisions, want things instantly as they see the days flying by, one day turns in one month and another year is just over. We don’t have time to stop for a bit and think whether the decisions we are taking are the right ones.

Suddenly we see news about oceans contaminated by plastic, forests and houses getting burned by natural fires, cities full of unbreathable air and people running to their jobs with poker faces. Fatalists would say that there is no way back. Blockchain says that we need to start re-thinking the world we want to live in. And we need to start fast. Our future is based on the decisions we take now, as the present we live in is the result of our past decisions.

Crown is building a tool to take group/community based decisions based on shared responsibility. Do you want your blockchain to succeed? It is time to stop for a bit, look in the mirror and start making decisions. If Crown succeeds to lay solid foundations for its shared responsibility model, we are confident that bright minds of our planet will join in and build their kingdoms on Crown. The NFTs, currently being launched is the perfect starting example!

