Malta Blockchain Summit Review

Crown exhibits at the conference to kick-off Maltese regulatory framework. Over 8000 attendees. Strategic partners at the Crown Community Meetup.

J. Herranz
Crown Platform
5 min readNov 7, 2018


  • Crowded Crown booth sets foundations for new strategic partnerships
  • 6 hour meeting restructures finances and team
  • Community meetup visited by key Maltese players in the blockchain scene
Over 8500 attendees visited the Malta Blockchain Summit on November 1st and 2nd

Over 8500 attendees

The Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat opened this years’ edition of the Malta Blockchain Summit (MBS) with the words “Some may call it the future, but I call it the present […]. The seed of blockchain has landed on very fertile soil. We are doing everything necessary for the seed to grow.”

Malta’s digital transformation strategy and visionary attitude towards distributed ledger technologies is showing its results fast. With over 8000 attendees, the MBS has hit numbers that other major events have only reached after four years of activity. It is becoming clear that Malta is the new number one hub for blockchain industry. Crown has not missed the chance and is well positioned to be part of this exciting journey.

Left: Eneko Knörr, a key player in the spanish blockchain ecosystem, visiting the Crown stand. Right: Luke ‘Calnaughtonjnr’ talking to an investor.

Crown booth stands out in the exhibitors hall

Stand 196 of the MBS was special. After two full days of networking with innovators, investors and specialists, and while the surrounding exhibition stands started to look desolated, the Crown Platform booth had a cheerful look. Over ten Crown members were having a drink with various interested visitors who had dropped by and stayed for the most diverse discussions, caught by the aura of a thriving community that stood out in the mass of promises present at the summit.

the Crown booth was well visited. Here, with Daniel Kraft, one of the first Crown developers in the early years of the project.

Malta has gone all in on blockchain technology and the MBS has come accompanied by a new holistic regulatory framework whose goal is to give a never before experienced security and confidence to the blockchain ecosystem, that has seized the chance and turned to the call of a small and innovative sovereign nation with unique ideas that might change how the world perceives Blockchain and DLTs.

a view of the available materials at the stand

Crown is one year ahead

Crown was in Malta one year ago, when connections were made such as local blockchain evangelist and key player Chris Vassallo, who opened up his Co-Working offices dSPACE³ to celebrate the Crown team meeting and the latter community meetup, to which several attendees of the MBS showed up, curious to learn more about Crown. As co-founder Jan put it to me in a private conversation during the Summit, while looking around and pointing at the surrounding stands: “All these guys are one year late. We are very privileged to have made a quick step and be strategically positioned for the imminent blockchain blooming in Malta.”

Jose and Jan posing with the interview in the Times of Malta
Yintao, crownfan, riseandshine, calnaughtonjnr and lostjoker at the booth

Agreement reached at team meeting to further decentralise finances and contribution to Crown

The Crown meeting on November 3rd went on for almost 6 hours and was used to debate on the very foundations of the project and how we want to move forward. At an internal level, the upcoming restructuring of the governance budget, which will increase the ability for decentralized community contribution, was one of the main points discussed. The Crown Team decided to open up communications channels further, as to allow a part of the community, which is now behind an information wall, to actively participate instead of seeing holding and waiting as the only alternative. This move will happen in Discord, where channels will be created that reflect the current internal communication structure in Mattermost, such as Core-Marketing, Core-Web, Core-Conferences, and Core-Development. There is an additional google document with a complete list of agreements reached.

Crown team during the meeting

Crown sets foot in Malta, projects multiply

Contastik CEO and Crown community member and advisor Pedro suggested a strategy to promote Crown for payments at local stores and local partner Chris Vassallo will help on the ground. Pedro also reported on the progress that is being made with the local administration to provide SMEs with the Contastik taxation solution. Co-founder Jan explained his ideas for Crown Foundation, which will provide funding for projects on Crown Platform and will be based in Malta.

Tech Lead Artem talking to local partner Chris Vassallo during the community meetup

After a tough but productive team meeting, other locals and Blockchain Island visitors started to show up for the open community meetup, which initiated a diverse and cheerful informal networking round, with recent successfiles and animation videos being screened in the background, accompanied by ambient music and a murmur that was nothing else but constant exchange of ideas and information on DLTs and Crown.

Informal round at the community meetup

Next steps

After our presence at the MBS, Crown now returns to its distributed work to release v0.12.5.2, formalise ideas into proposals, and develop the agreements that have been made with local and global partners. Next stop is the Crypto-Rockstars conference in Cologne end of November, an event in which Artem and me are online-speakers and that Crown sponsors as streaming partner. It can be followed online for free or watched on demand at a later date.

Valleta, at dusk, photographed by Luke

See you soon, Malta!

