Moving home

The Crown homepage is moving to

Crown Platform
2 min readSep 17, 2019


We’re moving!


On Monday, 23 September, the Crown homepage will be relocating to a totally new address: (at the time of this writing the page is not yet active). The old address will be updated with a redirect message and an automatic redirect which will last until the old domain registration expires.

What is happening?

The Crown homepage is moving to a new address.

When is this happening?

The Crown homepage will move on Monday, 23 September 2019.

Why is this happening?

The annual registration fee for with our current domain name registrar is an exorbitant, rent-seeking USD 1700. They justify this price by saying it is a premium URL. Admittedly, it is short and snappy with possible high-value connotations. A single Crown contributor has personally paid this fee for the last 2 years. With the current depressed price they are unwilling to spend this much money again this year.

We have investigated the possibility of transferring the domain name to a different registrar. The best price we found was about EUR 588 which is more than we can afford through the infrastructure part of the superblock.

In comparison, a new bog-standard, less desirable, run-of-the-mill .tech domain name can be registered for about USD 40 per year. And we already own a perfectly good and even cheaper .com domain name.

How is this happening?

The current website is being duplicated on a new server with the new address. Once it is working the old address will be configured with a redirect to the new address.

Who is doing the work?

Unsung hero Crown contributors.

Where is this happening?

(This is really stretching Rudyard Kipling’s six honest serving men poem…)
An interweb near you.

Would you like to know more?

Join us on Discord with any comments or questions.

