Over to you

Actually, it’s over to us

Crown Platform
3 min readJun 28, 2019


Crown’s future depends on all of us

Last week, amid only a modicum of fanfare, the next step in the Crown Platform development plan quietly slipped into the wild. Lead developer, Artem, published his technical notes on the NFT framework and a day later the v0.13.9 testnet was up and running for people to experiment with.

Experimenters need a certain amount of technical expertise because the interface is CLI-only at present.

This is where you, we, come in. Crown is a community platform; we have a limited number of developers and they can’t do everything. They have delivered the first stage of the NFT framework and now it’s up to the community to exploit that and build on it.

Don’t immediately dismiss the idea of being involved if you aren’t a developer, or you think you lack the technical skills for a bit of experimentation. In a bi-weekly development update call this week Artem called for community members to spread the word about NFT framework to all and sundry, but especially anyone with a development bent.

There are three groups of people we are appealing to and three activities which are needed to drive the next stage of NFT development.

Experiment with NFT framework

Right now you need to use testnet to experiment but Artem is expecting to release his sandbox system in the next few days. This will allow users to quickly create and destroy private test environments suitable for rapid application development. Ideally, initial development will occur in a sandbox and then move to testnet for more widespread testing.

If testnet doesn’t scare you and you’ve got even a tiny bit of development or experimental experience then read the documentation, join the discussion on Discord, and have a tinker with crown-cli nftoken …

See if you can break the framework as it currently exists. Be sure to let us know if you think you succeed.

See what you can build with the framework in its current form. Let us know how you get on and what else you need from it to be able to complete your project. Artem is working on the next phase, including NFT registration and trading but perhaps there’s something else you think we’re missing. Let us know!

Tell the world!

Share news about the NFT framework with anyone who’ll listen. Word of mouth is great but social media is even better. Shout it on Twitter, on Facebook, email your friends, tell your colleagues. Help get the word out there so as many people as possible have the chance to use the framework and take Crown to the next level.

Share your ideas with us or your developer friends

If you have an idea for a killer app but don’t have the skill to build it please discuss it in Discord (or Telegram). There may be someone else in the community who can build it or help refine the idea. Even if it doesn’t get built immediately it could help inform the future development of the framework.

The figure in the graphic is not Joseph Stalin! It’s Lord Kitchener, a long-ago British Secretary of State for War and was featured in a 1914 British Army recruitment poster. It has been used many times since then in other “Your kingdom needs you” adverts and memes.

