Please vote in superblock 3542400
Support your DAO!
There are only 3 days of voting time remaining for superblock 3542400. This superblock contains one of the most important proposals in the history of Crown. All Crown Platform community members are invited to take some time to review carefully all of the active proposals and vote if they are able to.
repairrefresh1 seeks permission to radically overhaul the Crown blockchain. If you’re not familiar with the concepts, implications, ramifications or anything else related to this proposal in particular (or any proposal in general) please review the recent discussion in Discord and seek whatever clarification you need. Ultimately, if you can’t decide whether to vote YES or NO on a proposal, you have the useful option to vote ABSTAIN. It’s useful because it shows there is a need for more information or discussion about a proposal before you can decide whether to support it or not.
If you don’t (yet) own enough Crown to vote, please drop by Discord or Telegram and share your opinion on the repairrefresh1 proposal.
You can see the full list of active proposals in the GUI wallet, or in Crown Platform Monitor or at but a brief summary of the active proposals is:
The market-expansion proposal is important to keep going and has demonstrated it’s value by being instrumental in Crown gaining a CRW-USDT pairing on Bittrex.
Voting is quick and easy. You can do so in the GUI wallet directly, or by copying the vote commands from the Platform Monitor or CrownCentral into the debug window of the GUI wallet, or executing them using the crown-cli command line tool. Masternode owners, please take a few minutes to exercise your right to vote in the Crown Decentralised Governance Program.