Why I choose Crown Platform for my new business

Thiago Conrado
Crown Platform
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2020

Many blockchain lovers talk about decentralization, distributed ledger, Bitcoin revolution, but many also noticed that it is taking too long for this revolution to happen. The reason is quite simple, there are many projects spending time on parameters to find the best tune of the blockchain, while investors need to see some real usable products to invest.

Right now, blockchain investors are crazy to see tools ready to use, not possible products to be developed! They faced way too many scams, resources lost in promises and awesome ideas tagged as unicorns that never became real.

No sir, I will not write a single line trying to sell or suggesting you to buy anything, not a single sentence in this post is a investment advice or should been taken as one. This is our startup history and we will just share the reasons that lead us to use a very specific blockchain — just promised to not sell or offer any service, so yeah, the startup brand will be omitted.

Crown Platform is one among few projects that have a usable product that is ready to go from a holistic point of view and because of this Crown is getting more focus and interest from investors — myself included.

Ready to go product is a very uncommon expression in the blockchain field as everything is recent (yeah, obvious), but some projects did start before and have a more focused team. So, right now you may be asking yourself, if Crown also has something more than PIVX, Dash and Ethereum to deliver.

Operationally speaking Crown has an unique performance as a distributed ledger for currency and tokens and all of this without the existence of anything tagged as temporary or improvement required. It is the first project that includes an environmental friendly solution, with instantaneous transactions that also easily allow anyone to use the blockchain to create tokens.

Worldwide adoption is the goal of any blockchain project and despite of its dominance there are three major criticisms around Bitcoin: lack of instantaneous transactions, the missing native capability to create tokens and the amount of electricity spent to keep the blockchain running. You can find novel solutions for these issues respectively in the Dash, PIVX and Ethereum blockchain projects.

Nonetheless, You may say that you cannot see the real advantage because you already saw these technical solutions in many other projects. But this is exactly my point, not a single project has it all together, and even more, none are even close to presenting it all in a ready to go style. The synergy created by all of this in a single project is huge and worth of a good explanation.

Indeed, all the coins in the market were created to pay for the service of computers processing the blockchain to keep it growing every 10 minutes. It is fair to assume that more than half of the value of each BTC was spent in electric power even before it was available in the blockchain, the same waste is expected for Dash and Ethereum, and while PIVX presented an under development solution to it, PIVX also does not have the blockchain stability and capability of Ethereum.

The Crown project makes a good use of the masternode technology to move its blockchain, so almost the very same amount of electric power that is spent to guarantee instantaneous transactions also enables the important task of adding new blocks to the blockchain which has the native capability to register important things as tokens under a very, very low cost. This is a working all-in-one solution that is fairly classified as a prime example of synergy.

Hence in a very short sentence, we choose the Crown blockchain because it has all the advantages of Bitcoin, Dash and Ethereum together that are important to our business in such synergy that it guarantees long life to its blockchain and probably will never spend in a decade the amount of electricity used in a day by one of these three projects.

These features can be translated into two very important things for any business that will use blockchain: long term stability and safety. Why? Because if each company that uses the Crown blockchain runs one masternode, it will be enough to guarantee that the blockchain is safe against any type of block replacement attack (as the famous 51% attack), as it will also permit the blockchain to be moving as expected with complete independence from miners. Hence it will never get damaged by miners moving to a more profitable coin.

So, if you are thinking about starting any company that will use cryptocurrency as payment method and will use the blockchain to perform services to your clients such as recording, registration of important information and others, it is, for sure, worth to take a better look at the Crown Platform project (read more about Crown Project).



Thiago Conrado
Crown Platform

blockchain enthusiast that believes that a perfect bond between genetics and crypto will improve the world www.linkedin.com/in/thiago-conrado-05677564