The Blackest COVID-19 Article You Ever Read (Get Vitamin D or Die Tryin’)

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9 min readOct 20, 2020

Everything “Black” people need to know about Vitamin-D and COVID-19 prevention. Brothers and sisters, get Vitamin D, by any means necessary.

As COVID-19 snuffs the shit out of America, our people are suffering the worst. Our surgeon general, who is ostensibly Black, told us to watch our drink and smoke. Physicians associated with our president insisted that high COVID-19 death rates in the Black community was due to the fact that we were essential workers — or some shit.

I write to you now, with the knowledge that our government knew that we would suffer from this virus. The truth is, we’ve lacked an essential nutrient since we came to this country several centuries ago.

The elders have tried to warn us. They said we needed Vitamin D, a hormone that comes from the sun.

While Dr. Llaila Afrika declared our melanin a blessing, he also pointed out that it prevented us from making Vitamin D. He attributed our Vitamin D deficiency to the root of many of our significant ailments. We called him a hotep.

Nearly a decade ago, a nutritionist named Emily Allison-Francis published a book entitled Correcting the Vitamin D Deficiency Epidemic: Strategies to Fight Diseases and Prolong Life for Black People. In it, she pointed out that a lack of Vitamin D was the reason Black Americans disproportionately led in many disease categories and how we were predisposed to having a weak immune system.

Even though COVID-19 was not even on the scene way back when — she shut down the whole Black-people-are-dying-because-of-socioeconomic-reasons trope that has been pushed in 2020.

What happened? We said her fro was too short and told her to keep hotepping.

On the real, what should have become the primary mission for all Black people in America wasn’t. So when a respiratory virus from the Asian motherland took hold of this country, it was almost predictable that we’d suffer.

Over the last few weeks, since I first wrote about the link between Vitamin D and COVID-19 in the Baltimore Afro American Newspaper, there have been several articles in mainstream media discussing the topic. Most pieces either had no information pertaining to Black people or gave it very little note.

Dear cousin, I decided to write this COVID-19 article just for you, and since so many of us don’t like to listen to our elders, I turned to the Whitest doctors I could to give you hope. Since we ignored the elders and their knowledge, I turned to the White man’s ice, because as you know, it has always been colder.

The Vitamin D discussion starts in Africa

Dr. John Campbell is a doctor in the United Kingdom. His ice glitters a mile away. He has become a worldwide sensation during the pandemic, providing daily youtube videos. He is one of the first physicians to openly recommend Vitamin D because it had proven success in fighting other respiratory viruses and demonstrated how vital it is for immune system support. He also introduced race into the discussion, explaining why Black Americans were hit so hard by COVID-19.

When I spoke to the doctor, he made a point about the evolution of humanity and Vitamin D saying, “Let me ask you a question, what color were the original humans? They were from Africa. How come I’m White? As people migrated north, the only reason people turned white was to make Vitamin D more quickly. The only advantage of white skin is you make Vitamin D quicker.”

Ivor Cummins is a chemical engineer who is also known for youtube videos, where he identifies the root cause of many diseases. His ice glimmers greater than any rhyme spitter’s bling.

When we spoke, he explained why Black folk in America weren’t making Vitamin D, saying, “We all came from Africa around 50 or 60 thousand years ago. It was really hot; we were hunters out on the plains. The sun’s UV was enormous. We needed the pigmentation to protect us. It protected from damaging folate, and you also needed Vitamin D, but the sun was so strong, the pigmentation was set just about right for natural living humans to still make enough Vitamin D.

As we migrated north, the very dark skin did not suit the lack of ultraviolet, they began to go low on Vitamin D. Through selection, people who had fair skin, got more Vitamin D, were more healthy, and did better. You slowly had the loss of pigmentation to suit, the ultraviolet density in those different areas. We’re all the same; we just lost pigmentation. There was an enormous blockage of the UVB radiation by the black pigmentation.”

Vitamin D and our Immune System

Dear cousin, as you already know, you can’t technically “boost” your immune system. Since that “Rona” started smacking us around, I wondered why our government wasn’t encouraging everyone one of us to fortify it.

The White doctors I spoke to made it plain.

“For a functioning immune system, you need good levels of all nutrients. You need proteins, fats the vitamins, the minerals. The nutrient that it’s hard to get enough of, if you’re dark-colored like you or if you live in the north of England and you’re White like me — you don’t get enough sun! Most of the Vitamin D we get comes from the sunlight. The darker the skin, the more slowly the Vitamin D is absorbed. A British Medical Journal showed that people that are very efficient in Vitamin D are much more susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections,” explained Dr. Campbell.

Dr. Michael Holick has ice the size of boulders. He is the author of the book The Vitamin D Solution: A 3-Step Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problems.

When we spoke, he pointed out how vital Vitamin D is for our immune system and the fact that when COVID-19 first touched down in the states, he knew it would be a problem for us.

“Not only does it [Vitamin D] reduce the risk of infection, it modulates that immune system and controls the immune system. It is quite possible that by improving Vitamin D status, you can reduce the risk for the cytokine storm and the acute respiratory distress syndrome”, said Dr. Holick.

Cummins added on saying “Vitamin D, in a complex way, it manages your immune system. It helps prevent autoimmune like multiple sclerosis; it modulates your immune system and tries to keep it under control. We know from this disease is what kills you is the cytokine storm, where the immune system goes crazy. So Vitamin D helps modulate or manage that.”

Cummins also broke down the high science of how Vitamin D works in our bodies to help keep us healthy, saying, “Your blood measurement, 25(OH)d, that’s the measurement of Vitamin D in your blood. The 25(OH)d in your blood is part of the process that goes into your nucleus, of all your cells and encodes antibacterial agents. The Vitamin D goes into your cells, you have 37 trillion, and it opens doors and connects molecules to start encoding and pouring out these molecules that kill bacteria.”

COVID-19: The C-O-N-spiracy

It appears that that medical professionals knew that our Vitamin D deficiency would be a problem. For whatever reason, we weren’t warned.

Dr. Holick explained saying, “Our hospital, 80 percent of the COVID-19 patients are people of color, mainly African Americans. I had hoped if I could get our hospital’s attention, as a standard of care, even if they didn’t want to measure the blood level, they should be giving everyone Vitamin D. There is no downside to doing that and a potentially big upside.

I first wrote about this [COVID-19] in mid-March, alerting the public to the Vitamin D deficiency problem and that people of color were of high risk. They were the ones most affected. It was a letter sent out on my letterhead to investigators and reporters.”

We’re a people with a known history of Vitamin D deficiency, as the elders already told us, and this has been linked to a significant number of our illnesses.

Dr. Campbell made another great point, saying, “There is data that African Americans do have low levels of Vitamin D. That is one of the reasons, probably, why African Americans have more heart disease, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes. Dr. Jerome [Adams] talked about drugs and alcohol, rather than the most obvious cause, which is lack of Vitamin D. Why not get rid of that variable?”

One doctor, who I’ll refer to as Dr. Anonymous, got that official ice that shines from space. He reached out to me after reading my article on Vitamin D. He likened our known issue of Vitamin D deficiency to the Tuskegee experiment.

“I knew flat out that Black people were going to be affected more. There was no data to show that COVID was going to behave like all the other coronaviruses. All the other coronaviruses are fought off by Vitamin D” said Dr. Anonymous.

He also pointed out that Black America may be stuck in the middle of a war between Big Pharma and the supplement industry. He said that he approached a prominent Trump administration doctor (a person who has repeatedly been on the news) over a decade ago with news about the potential for Vitamin D, after completing a successful research paper. He was told that the government was leaning towards vaccines.

He also cited that leading Vitamin D advocate Dr. William Grant, wrote about this issue in 2018, in the paper “Vitamin D acceptance delayed by Big Pharma following the Disinformation Playbook.”

As you can see, we’re stuck in this deadly video game with only one man. In the words of the Genius, I got your back.

Get Vitamin D or Die Tryin’

There is a strong possibility that we will be dealing with this virus for some time. Using Vitamin D, we may give ourselves more than a fighting chance, and keep in mind; it is almost impossible to do this with food.

According to Dr. Holick’s book, to get the recommended dosage of Vitamin D, between 1,000 and 2,000 International Units per day, we’d have to eat the following: “… three cans of sardines, drink ten to twenty glasses of fortified milk, gulp down ten to twenty bowls of cereal, snack on fifty to a hundred egg yolks, or eat seven ounces of wild salmon for dinner every night.”

Dear cousin, you and I know there is almost no possibility of that.

During our build, Dr. Holick made the following recommendations, “My advice is for everyone to improve their Vitamin D status by taking Vitamin D supplements. My recommendation is that children should be on at least 600 (IU) a day, and up to 1000 is perfectly safe. Adults a minimum, 1500 to 2000 units a day. Obese people, we know that Vitamin D is fat-soluble and gets diluted in your body fat. Obese people need 2 to 3 times more vitamin D to satisfy their requirements. The only exception, people with sarcoidosis, have to be careful and consult a physician.”

The elder, Emily Allison-Francis, recommends as much as 5,000 International Units per day. But she doesn’t have that white ice, so whatever.

Since this discussion started with the motherland, we must keep in mind that we need to get Vitamin D from the best source. “The sun is way better than a supplement, the sun and our skin give us Vitamin D. If you get the Vitamin D up from the sun, compared to a supplement, it will last much longer. So there are differences in getting vitamin d from the sun. The other thing, the sun gives you nitric oxide. The sun and your skin also make other complex photo chemicals,” explained Cummins.

As we draw near to summer, we must get as much sunlight on our skin as possible. That information that the CDC has on their website, about not going out between 10 am and 3 pm in the summer, it isn’t for us. Those are the optimum hours for Black people to create natural amounts of Vitamin D.

When it comes to the issue of Black people and skin cancer, Cummins explained saying, “They have no risk of cancer [skin] whatsoever. White people living in a high UV country are kind of in the wrong country. Black people were designed for high UV. In America, they are in a low UV environment. At the very least, compensate for that by hitting the 10 am to 2 pm and at least get something.”

We need as much sun as possible, and when we do go out to get Vitamin D, we need to be out there a minimum of 3 hours.

Crazy, it took a deadly virus from China to wake us up and help us understand that in North America, due to our relationship with the sun, we’ve been a fish out of water, and the pharmaceutical industry keeps getting money from our ignorance.

Dear cousin, whether you’re directly from the continent, you wear a multicolored flag, you break on 2, or if your ancestors were hung by the Klan, I implore you, in the memory of Dr. Afrika, continue to make this COVID-19 discussion Black, because no one will do it for you.

Remember when I wrote this shit Black, and put a “motherfucker” in the article — so that you’d hear me.

Get Vitamin D, or die tryin’.




Writer and Director - Queens native, Down by law. 無敵將軍.