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12 Movies That Will Take You Away

Sit back, relax and drift off into another world

Anna I. Smith
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2020


Need to get away?

In times like these, when all the outside noise can be enough to overwhelm our brains and deplete our senses, we find ourselves forced to create getaways within our own four walls. And the cheapest way to do this? Watch movies.

If you don’t know what to watch, here are some of the movies that inspire me, make me feel better, and make me think without weighing me down.

So, turn off the noise. Sit down with a cup of coffee and your favorite chocolate treat. Let your favorite blanket warm your body and let these movies take you to another place and time.

Let’s start off with five movies based on true stories. Because there is no better way to get your mind off your own life than to put yourself in other people’s shoes.

1.Grey Gardens (2009) A mother and daughter (Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore) live in self-imposed isolation. Unless you count a visit from Jaqueline Kennedy. And a few raccoons and rats. Will this be my future if no vaccine is discovered?

2. The Intouchables (2011) A wheelchair-bound aristocrat seeks and finds an assistant. This French version is a heartwarming true tale and the ultimate forget-about-politics-and-the-virus…



Anna I. Smith
Crow’s Feet

Writes about human behaviors of all kinds (including my own).