A Seventyish Woman is Wondering if She Should Feel Pandemic Guilt

Perhaps gratitude or grief is more appropriate.

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Konstantin Dyadyun on Unsplash

Please don’t ”should” me.

Do you hear any of these thoughts coming at you from social media or even from your own head? You should feel guilty sitting there on your farm out in the middle of nowhere with all kinds of food and gardens and animals. Don’t you feel guilty that you aren’t doing more? Don’t you feel guilty that you aren’t suffering more? Don’t you feel guilty for not visiting your 94-year-old mother over the holidays? Why are you still well when so many have died?

Should is such an ugly word

So, really, be honest. How many of you out there feel guilty that you haven’t gotten Covid-19 yet? Because I can’t say that I do. And furthermore, I hate when anyone (besides myself) tells me I should do something. Such as: You should re-post this story if you love God. Or, if you care about dogs, copy and share this picture. Or, if you are truly my friend, you will copy this and paste it to your page. I erase or scroll past these kinds of half-playful, half-threatening statements so fast you wouldn’t believe it.

They are right up there with those chain letters my cousins used to send me when we were kids. You have to copy…



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.