A Seventyish Woman Suggests Three Ways You Can be More Content and Stop Postponing Happiness During the Holidays

Are You Pinning Too Much on a Holiday?

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Lynda Hinton on Unsplash

I suppose it happens to everyone as they get older. You realize that Christmas or your birthday or whatever occasion used to be so important to you is really an illusion. It is just one day. Perhaps you become jaded, decide you don’t really care about it. You’d rather not get excited since it’s just going to end soon. I would like to propose an alternate way of approaching the holidays. In fact, you can use this approach every day, not just on special days.

Remembering special times

Christmas was special in our home. My dad loved Christmas, and it was one time when he would allow our mother to spend extra money. We always got packages and stockings and had special foods and decorations and made a big deal of it. I spent the entire fall looking through the Sears Christmas Wish Book, checking out the dolls and games and farm sets, ogling the candy and cake pages. We were allowed to put our initials on things we wanted and one or two of them would appear under the tree at Christmas. We began making cookies and stuffing dates and rolling balls of fondant several weeks before the event. Like many American children, we spent a lot…



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.