A Subtle Hint to Aging Runners

I gave up running slowly — then suddenly

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Crow’s Feet


Credit Quevan on Pixabay

Years ago when my wife and I first moved out of the city to the western suburbs of Philadelphia, I started to run for exercise.

In the city, I was a couple of blocks away from one of the ubiquitous gyms that dot the cityscape. I joined a gym within walking distance and did my daily workout inside with other city folk.

Running was not out of the question but people, pets, pollution, and pavement made it challenging — not to mention the traffic.

Running in the suburbs

Without the unholy four Ps and the traffic, the lesser-used suburban streets were much more conducive to running. Within a couple of months, I discovered a small park in which there were running trails that attracted a comfortable amount of runners and walkers from the nearby single-family homes.

I ran the mile from the house to the park; did my five miles, then ran back home.

Over the months I developed a friendship with some like-minded runners who lived close enough to the park and did basically the same.

The point is — they ran from their houses to the park to run.



Brian Dickens Barrabee
Crow’s Feet

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.