Writing Prompt #58

A Song for a Broken Heart

Breaking through the barrier of heartache with music

Deb Wax
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2024


Image credit: Pixabay.com music-8001143_1280.jpg by Van3ssa_

I was feeling restless and gloomy one afternoon, and I didn’t know what to do. My life had changed. I was struggling to adapt. Although it’d been several months since that day — the day my husband succumbed to the cancerous poison in his brain— I still wasn’t myself. My own brain had succumbed to the enormous pain of grief and my heart was broken. The initial shock slowly turned into a numbing ache that manifested through bouts of profound sadness — and that particular afternoon was darker than usual.

Bittersweet blanket

Image credit: © 2010–2024 SundayArtist DebW All Rights Reserved

I decided to take a walk, so I grabbed my portable music player and embarked on a trek that, unbeknownst to me, would help mend my broken heart. I’d set my player to shuffle and about halfway through my walk, a song played that made me feel both happy and sad at the same time, but mostly happy.

The music began with a soft rhythm that gradually developed into an upbeat melody. The lyrics were passionate, and although the words were bittersweet, their effect on me was akin to a warm…



Deb Wax
Crow’s Feet

Deb is a former technical writer who now enjoys penning "two-cent hyperbole."