Ageing Gracefully — One Grey Hair at a Time

It took a pandemic for me to accept my current avatar

Ranjani Rao
Crow’s Feet
Published in
8 min readJan 12, 2021


Woman with grey hair on a black sand beach
Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when asked to stay home to help curb the spread of the virus, people got creative. With time on their hands, some baked bread, others whipped up frothy coffee or created TikTok videos. While they discovered hidden talents, I uncovered grey hair!

Unlike the zealous artists of the Covid-age who publicly displayed their creations, I chose to keep my find under wraps. My grey hair was not really a secret. From its first appearance on my head almost two decades ago, the strands had steadily increased in number. After overcoming the initial shock, I came up with a natural henna-based hair colouring regimen that could be done at home.

Given my lack of patience while waiting around at beauty salons, and lack of interest in meekly accepting society’s standards for youthfulness and physical perfection, my chosen method was perfect for me.

Working from home necessitated by the pandemic helped me further lower my bar for keeping up appearances. To my delight I found a pleasant side-effect to working from home. If I kept the camera off during…



Ranjani Rao
Crow’s Feet

I write insightful personal stories about my scientist, immigrant, travel life. 4 books Share memoir journey