All of Us Die. Not All of Us Truly Live.

Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet
Published in
11 min readMay 9, 2021


Our ship off the cost of an Indonesian Island. Julia Hubbel

Art imitates life imitates art, at least in this life

If you are a regular reader — for which I am grateful -- you likely know that I like to link and tag other writers. In this case, John DeVore, whose commentary on movies often strikes a responsive chord for me. This past week he wrote about one of my favorite movies of all time (yes yes yes I know, the titular quote is from Braveheart, get over it):

I adore this movie, having watched it so many times I can quote most of the dialogue. However, the prompt for me this time was to watch the film differently. M&C speaks to me as a military person, a leadership trainer, and as someone who has also explored the Galapagos.

Every so often when I watch a favorite film it can act as a reminder of how my life has changed. This was one of those times.

The movie is on now in the background. The realization came as something of a surprise, if you will pardon the unintended pun on the ship’s movie name.



Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.