Back to the Beginning

Sometimes we want to go back in time, if just for a day

Jackie Madden Haugh
Crow’s Feet


To the dismay of my then four young adult children, every birthday I answered their question with the same motherly line: “All I want as a gift are happy children.”

“God, Mom! There has to be something you want,” Jenni, grumbled. “We want to buy you a gift. Why do you make this so difficult?”

Thinking back to their annual plea, I had to agree. Sure, a nice purse or a pretty piece of jewelry would have been lovely. But the truth was, and still is, that all I ever desired, from the moment they were born, was for them to be happy. Then, it hit me — the perfect gift.

“OK, I know what I want next year,” I shared happily on my fifty-fifth birthday in 2007, as one-by-one each called to wish me a lovely day. “I want us all to go to Disneyland one more time.”

First, there was silence on the other end of the phone. Then, a moan. Finally, the question: “Disneyland? Why there?”

Afraid to tell them the real reason behind my desire, I stated “Well, I happen to love that place, and you’ve been asking what I want — so this is it.”

For the next several months, I nagged, pleaded, pestered and cajoled until they finally agreed on a date in October that wouldn’t conflict with any…



Jackie Madden Haugh
Crow’s Feet

Known as the “Guardian of Memories,” Jackie writes in memoir about the sweet nuances of life and her place in the world.Her website is