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Be Like Barb

A story about being 73, imperfect, and perfectly happy keeping your gym resolutions every year

Julia E Hubbel
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2020


Barb was walking past me as I donned my earbuds in the locker room at my local 24 Hour today. It was barely six-thirty.

I asked, “How ya doing?”

DONE,” she said, grinning. “My favorite word.”

We spoke for a few minutes. I’d not seen her before, largely because just as I’m coming in, she’s leaving. She hits the elliptical, the weights. She puts in at least 90 minutes every day. Has for years and years.

Barb’s 73. Eight months ago she had open heart surgery. Apparently (and kindly, I couldn’t translate most of this) her heart only had two valves where it was supposed to have three. You medical types will get that part.

Now she has cow parts and replacement parts, and a more efficient heart all around.

“I can’t believe all those other people in rehab,” she said. “They’re much younger than I am and they’re having a terrible time.”

Barb works a few days a week at a local school from ten to two pm. Been retired a while.

Lest you imagine a picture like this:



Julia E Hubbel

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