Blocking a Facebook “Friend”

A recent widow, I wasn’t ready

Margie Hord de Mendez
Crow’s Feet


Photo from Pixabay

What was his name? For privacy’s sake, I will call him Felix. He was from a different city and had attended a short writing retreat where I presented a topic or two. The participants stayed in rustic, chilly cabins, and gathered outdoors for some activities, breathing in the smell of the pines from the surrounding forest. Meals were simple and made from fresh ingredients, with an abundance of the omnipresent black beans and homemade tortillas that endear Mexico to me.

He was recently widowed and, as I recall, wrote about an adventure his future wife and he had once had, sneaking over a church wall to explore, when young and carefree. I vaguely recall little except that he had salt-and-pepper hair and a mustache. Being happily married myself, I took little note of him in terms of a possible relationship.

Afterwards, we were in the same Facebook group for that retreat but never had a personal “chat,” even after my husband died a year or two later. Nothing like an inbox message to say, “I’m sorry to hear your husband passed away”. But then one day he sent me a suggestive song (video) by Ed Sheeran about staying in love into old age:

When your legs don’t work like they used to before
And I can’t sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my



Margie Hord de Mendez
Crow’s Feet

Canadian-Mexican linguist and translator, Margie loves to write about cross-cultural living, faith, family, aging gracefully… and more!