Booking Online Makes People Wish They Lived in the 18th Century

A tale of Satanic customer abuse

Jean Campbell
Crow’s Feet


AI Image by author.

It was Neil Young who started it all.

We are old, but so is Neil. He won’t live forever, and I needed to see him in concert even if it meant taking I-30 into Dallas.

I knew the risks.

I was worried about surviving a stadium concert.

I was concerned I’d screw up my electronic ticket.

I wasn’t thrilled about booking a hotel in the big city.

We bought tickets anyway and I opted for Airbnb-style lodging.

We drove deep into the heart of Dallas, to Deep Ellum, because it was close to the stadium in which Neil would keep on rockin’ in the free world.

For the sake of realism, each section will be titled using a different classic horror film.

The Omen

Before I hit the road, I texted Them.

That’s A-G-O-D-A. Do not book with these bot-people as they are the incarnation of Beelzebub.

Here is the exchange:

Hello Jean Campbell.



Jean Campbell
Crow’s Feet

Writer by day, reader by night, napper by afternoon.