Coming to Terms with Aging

Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023

From Denial to Acceptance — It’s Personal

Photo by Marcelo Uva on Unsplash

Lucky me! I was in denial for decades. I ignored those accumulating birthdays.

That worked well until it didn’t.

At 80, I knew it was time to face the truth. I was now old.

And my life went merrily along for several months, but then my gimpy leg worsened. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and a red cane helped.

Months of PT were no help, and eventually, an MRI and X-rays revealed severe osteoarthritis in my right hip, knee, and lower back. The wait to see the surgeon has been from June until early October, getting a second opinion would have taken nearly a year.

While I waited, I eventually took my husband’s and friends’ advice, who recommended aqua exercise. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the relaxing feeling of floating in the pool. I was relieved that the new movements eased my pain.

I have been angry and depressed at times, but I skipped the bargaining phase of the grieving process.

I was angry that I saw so many medical practitioners, and no one suggested taking X-rays; no one advised me to keep moving or to go to a pool. I was upset that pain made me resort to drugs.

But I am a realist; I accept the specialist’s conclusion that I need a hip replacement and possibly a knee replacement. I am sad that it is a long wait to get the surgery, and I am somewhat fearful of the unknowns, but I am coping.

I am still coming to terms with the idea that some physical pain is part of aging.

I am thankful for my supportive husband and friends.

My empathy has no bounds for those who have worse pain and fewer resources.



Crow’s Feet

: Friend, reader, and photographer with eclectic interests. Loves living on California's central coast. Born and raised in West Virginia.