Crow’s Feet Prompt #57 Bucket List

Are Bucket Lists for the Young?

The older I get, the less I want to do

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Credit Jon Hoefer on Pixabay

When young and full of energy, I had many an item on my bucket list. I never went so far as writing them down, but I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do in my life. Things like: playing football in college, working in a career where I could be my own boss, traveling to London, Paris and Rome, having a family, seeing Alaska…..

Check, check, check, check, check, check and check……..

Add and subtract.

I even had the desire to see a flea circus at least once in my life at the high-energy age of 10 years old. More to simply prove that type of thing really existed.

Certainly not for love of fleas.


At 60 plus 21 years old, you’d think my bucket list days may be in my rear-view mirror. True, I don’t have the desire to dream of involvement in the grandiose aspirations of my spirited youth.

But I have a bucket list addendum.

My senior bucket list

I consider my senior bucket list part of a lifelong continuum. It’s just as vague and loosely conceived as it was in my younger years.



Brian Dickens Barrabee
Crow’s Feet

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.