Crow’s Feet Writing Prompt #57

Bucket List

Robin James
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Tobi on Unsplash

Do you want to write but have no idea where to start? Check out this new writing prompt to help unleash some ideas! Use the topic as a subject for your next piece or simply answer one or more of the questions posed.

If you’d like to become a writer for Crow’s Feet, please send a request along with a sample of your writing to If you’re already a writer for us and you’d like to submit your work,

  1. Please make sure that our Editing Guidelines apply.
  2. Tag your work with ‘Crow Feet Writing Prompt’
  3. Please create a kicker* above the title with the prompt number, eg, ‘Writing Prompt #57’

We look forward to reading your responses.

Prompt #57: Bucket List

Whether it’s one item or dozens, many of us have a list of things we’d like to do, see, experience, or accomplish before we die. As the years march on we can run out of time to complete the list, or perhaps our circumstances have forced us to give up some items and modify others. A bucket list can help give us something to work towards, or perhaps be the source of stress. With that in mind:

Do you have a bucket list? If not, why not? If so, how long ago did you…



Robin James
Crow’s Feet

When I’m not writing my novel I’m writing rants and whatnot. Figured I might as well post them here.