Crow’s Feet Writing Prompt #54 — Mother’s Day

Crystal Clear

In the end, the reasons become known

Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

She wasn’t my real mother. Wasn’t even officially my stepmother for very long.

My mother died when I was 3 months old. My father remarried when I was slightly older than a year. My stepmother gave birth to a girl when I was 3 years old. My father and stepmother separated when I was 4, and Ruth took my baby sister and moved 650 miles away.

I had a connection with Ruth because of my baby sister. They’d drive the 650 miles every other year so my father could see his youngest daughter. (I had two older sisters who didn’t like Ruth and paid little attention to our youngest sister.)

While Baby Sis was with us for a week, Ruth traveled around visiting friends. Then, she’d return and gather Baby Sis and me, and we’d go on a road trip. We went to Chicago to visit family. We went to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania, the Kellogg Factory in Michigan, and the Corning Glass Factory in New York. Once, Dad drove me to Maine to spend two weeks with Ruth and Baby Sis.

Dad and I had problems that got worse as I got older. My teachers and guidance counselor were concerned about my depression, but my father dismissed their phone calls and concerns. I wrote to Ruth — why, I don’t…



Crow’s Feet

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.