Crow’s Feet Writing Prompt #59

Death Folders and Death Cleaning

Starting down the path of preparing for my demise

Laura Blankenship
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2024


A skull sitting on top of old files and book.
Image generated by Imagine Art

A while back, when my dad landed in the hospital, we scrambled to get the proper paperwork together. And, when his condition looked dire for a while, we struggled to find other paperwork. Even his wife didn’t know where everything was. Eventually, we got it together, but between my dad being out of it and his wife eschewing the management of legal or financial necessities, everything was harder than it needed to be.

I’ve resigned myself to the idea that nothing will be organized or simple when he passes. He’s stubborn, and he doesn’t want to discuss it. And his wife doesn’t want to deal with it, either.

My mother is more organized. She, too, is declining, both mentally and physically. I’ve signed paperwork at her bank so I can manage her account when she passes or becomes incapacitated. I know where some of her information is, and she is open to discussing her wishes for her long-term care and death. It’s better, but not perfect. There’s a lot I know I don’t know.

On top of the legal and financial practicalities, I’m keenly aware of how much stuff they both have. Every time I walk into either of their houses, it feels overwhelming. On the surface…

