Dirty Thirty: Embracing a New Decade

Well, here I am, standing on the precipice of turning the big 3–0. It’s like I’ve reached the age where my metabolism has officially gone on vacation, and my hangovers last longer than my relationships.

Tobian Thompson
Crow’s Feet
3 min readSep 14, 2023


Photo by Mariia Ivanova on Pexel

They say life begins at 30, but if my life were a TV show, it would be a sitcom, filled with comical mishaps and hilarious misadventures. It’s like suddenly, overnight, I’ve become an adult, and I’m still not entirely sure how to adult properly. I mean, I can pay my bills and occasionally make a decent pot of pasta, but the whole “figuring out life” thing still feels like a distant dream.

Turning 30 is like crossing into the magical land of adulting where your idea of a wild Friday night involves Netflix and chill, and by chill, I mean not getting up from the couch for hours.

Remember when we were kids, and 30 seemed like such a grown-up age? We imagined ourselves with successful careers, fancy cars, and fabulous houses. Well, folks, reality check — I’m still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter, and my career involves a lot more spreadsheets than I ever anticipated. As for the fancy car, it’s more like a hoopty with a penchant for making strange noises and emitting mysterious odors.

But let’s not forget the fun part about turning 30 — the friends who suddenly start dropping like flies, not from old age, but because they’re all getting married or having babies. Suddenly, every conversation revolves around mortgage rates, baby food, and what color to paint the nursery. And here I am, struggling to keep a houseplant alive, wondering if I’m mature enough to own a pet rock.

Dating at 30 is a whole new ball game. Remember the days of swiping right and left? Now it’s more like swiping right and left on potential life partners, wondering if they’ll be a good co-parent for your future pet rock. And the dating pool? Let’s just say it’s more like a puddle with a few odd creatures lurking at the bottom. It’s a jungle out there, and I’ve got my safari hat on, ready to explore the wild world of adult dating.

As I approach 30, I can’t help but reminisce about my carefree 20s, when my biggest concern was which party to attend on a Friday night and whether I had enough pizza money. Now, I have to worry about retirement plans, 401(k)s, and whether I’ll ever be able to afford a beachfront property in Bali. Spoiler alert: I can’t.

But you know what? Despite the comical chaos that is turning 30, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I may not have it all figured out, but I’m having a blast stumbling through life, one mishap at a time. So, here’s to dirty thirty, where the wrinkles are starting to show, but so is the wisdom, and where life may not always be perfect, but it sure is one hilarious adventure. Cheers to growing older but never really growing up!

Hey there! I just wanted to drop a quick thank you for taking the time to read my article. Your support means the world to me, and I hope you found it enjoyable or informative. Leave me a comment, letting me know your thoughts. Stay awesome, and thanks again!



Tobian Thompson
Crow’s Feet

A perpetual student of life who finds joy in the pursuit of knowledge and the adventure of discovery. Join me as I navigate a diverse landscape of interests!